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Do you love your job?

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... and if so, what do you do?


I'm still very unsure as to what I want to do with my future. There are certain things I know I won't do/like to do -


1. working with dead people

2. medicine/doctor/nurse - I can't handle blood and internal organs

3. anything too physically demanding

4. administrative work - tried that


I want to try something interesting but I'm not sure how to get my foot in the door. When I say interesting jobs, I mean a job like "certified fire walk instructor", or like an artistic director of an orchestral group (but these kinds of jobs are so hard to land on).


Any advice? thanks



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Interesting really depends on the individual. I've had some jobs in the past that I'm sure others would find really interesting (I worked as an artist for awhile), but personally, I found it to be no better than wiping down tables at a restaurant. To be really interested and engaged in your job, it needs to be something that you personally find interesting. College is great for this - if you go in undeclared and just work on core for the first two years, you can often find something that you really love.

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I absolutely don't like my job, but i must do it for a while.


I had myself convinced that the corporate world was evil, but i am considering entering it again, i'll just be careful who i work for. I have figured that if i like the people and don't mind the products (esp. if they do no harm to the environment), then i will be able to tolerate it for a while.


Interesting thing is, i decided to open my own business, because i thought i would find more integrity in that. Interestingly, i found that most people i had to deal with had their own ulterior motives in mind, or lied to me so i would buy their products.


You can't win either way. Lol.

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I absolutely don't like my job, but i must do it for a while.


I had myself convinced that the corporate world was evil, but i am considering entering it again, i'll just be careful who i work for. I have figured that if i like the people and don't mind the products (esp. if they do no harm to the environment), then i will be able to tolerate it for a while.


Interesting thing is, i decided to open my own business, because i thought i would find more integrity in that. Interestingly, i found that most people i had to deal with had their own ulterior motives in mind, or lied to me so i would buy their products.


You can't win either way. Lol.


You are so right, that's kinda what I feel at this moment. but sometimes I feel that somehow, somewhere, a job that I love is waiting for me, I just don't know what it is at this point.

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I want to try something interesting but I'm not sure how to get my foot in the door. When I say interesting jobs, I mean a job like "certified fire walk instructor", or like an artistic director of an orchestral group (but these kinds of jobs are so hard to land on).


Any advice? thanks




Actually, I think that's a built-in way to see just how much you want something.


There are lots of things I think might be interesting jobs...but when I find out about the training needed or what the real day-to-day work is like, I find myself going, "....uh, no thanks." Except for the one thing I've been doing for a living the last 25 years. For that, I have jumped every hurdle, put up with beyond excrementally bad conditions, low pay and all the rest.


I am a radio DJ. I got it in my head I wanted to do this when I was about 15 and heard a female disk jockey the first time. I started at college radio at 18, and by 19 had a paying gig at a "real" radio station. Been continuously employed ever since (which is a rarity in this business).


I like being on the air. I like doing my show. I like connecting with the listeners (in a once-removed, on the air, over the phone or email way...I don't like to deal with them face to face). I like the hours. I like working with creative people in a casual environment (read: I like coming to work in a tshirt and shorts in the summer time and working with people who are a wee bit crazy.)


There's also plenty I don't like: I don't like the state of the radio business these days (corporate-run and basically, dying). I don't like the back-stabby, political BS stuff (but, really, I think you get some of that in any job in any field of work). I don't like dealing with some of the big egos I've worked with over the years. I mean, you're a local DJ....you're not some big celeb like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt....no one really cares if you want all the brown M&Ms picked out of the bag before you get it, ok?


However, even with the negatives and the annoyances, I can't see myself doing something else. Given some work-related stuff I have going on now (if you're really bored/curious, I've been whining about it in my thread in the Journals section), I have A LOT of annoyances right now...but I can still say I can't see myself doing something else.


I'm not sure if that's "love" or just "pathetic"...but it is what it is.

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Actually, I think that's a built-in way to see just how much you want something....


I am a radio DJ. I got it in my head I wanted to do this when I was about 15 and heard a female disk jockey the first time. I started at college radio at 18, and by 19 had a paying gig at a "real" radio station. Been continuously employed ever since (which is a rarity in this business)....



I'm not sure if that's "love" or just "pathetic"...but it is what it is.


I think you are so right, and I think that is SO COOL! Being a radio DJ!! wow..


But yeah I do also hate all the backstabbing and office politics but I guess it's the same everywhere and hard to run away from.


It's just so nice that you are so accepting of your job. I guess I don't really need to find a job that I absolutely love. All I really need is a job which I can tolerate for a long time. Of course it'll be a bonus if I could find one that I really am passionate about.

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My back hurts, I am sweaty, my hands are covered in dirt and I aren't nearly drunk enough to fall asleep.


Are you a talented writer ? be honest, you could become a journalist if you are. I think that would be a fantastic job, write for a local newspaper about school kids or whatever else. Not sure how realisitc it would be but could be fun.

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