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Attaining what you want?


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So if you have the gift of gab and you think a person looks nice, do you proceed to often speak with them?..............


But what if you don't have a crush. They look nice, so you wouldn't really care if it went further than meaningless talk between strangers.


Even the normal person, why would you do this? I'm interested in hearing from both sides. If you aren't that shy, but not talkative either. Just average..............It seems this is leading towards the argument of what is beauty. But if there is no desire for some attractive stranger.........................

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Not really sure what you a trying to find out,but. I will talk to people. There could or could not be anything to happen further. It all depends. I have carried on conversations with people and never thought another thing about it. some of my best laughs have come this way. Also I have meet a good number of friends to. Since you put this in attraction and flirting I should say I do not have to be attracted of flirting to start and carry on a conversation with somebody. Might miss a good oppurtunity.

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I don't know what a normal person might be, but I enjoy conversation with people, some of whom are attractive.

I think guys who clam up around attractive women aren't conversational with any strangers, and focus only on getting over it to get some.

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Well I'm thinking that people met their spouse in a way never expected. I am so prude and shy that I was waiting for a dream girl to come lowering down from above, but I am thinking it may just happen at anywhere, like even a rest stop. But that would mean they are interested in you.


For if they didn't think you were attractive, it would just be casual talk and mean nothing. But I almost don't care anymore. I take for granted people being nice to me for unknown reasons. So being ok with strangers might be a way to give up attachment to the fruits of action.

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