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Quitting current job before another job offer

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Well, this will be trite to say but "it is always easier to find another job while you HAVE one" (partly due to a Murphy's Law of sorts and because it DOES look better....) and when you are not getting pressured by financial strain and such, it is easier to also be able to be a bit choosy......

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When you turn in your two weeks notice (which is considered the proper thing to do when leaving most jobs), some employers will not want you to work the last two weeks. In the state where I live, if you have turned in written notice and the employer opts to not have you work out your notice, they still have to pay you.


What has your employer historically done when other employees have turned in their notice?


The last time I switched jobs I got a week off paid between jobs because my employer decided they didn't really want me around that last week. The last time my husband switched jobs he got both weeks of his 2 week notice off paid because his former employer's policy was not allowing people to work through the 2 week notice period.

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When you turn in your two weeks notice (which is considered the proper thing to do when leaving most jobs), some employers will not want you to work the last two weeks. In the state where I live, if you have turned in written notice and the employer opts to not have you work out your notice, they still have to pay you.


What has your employer historically done when other employees have turned in their notice?


The last time I switched jobs I got a week off paid between jobs because my employer decided they didn't really want me around that last week. The last time my husband switched jobs he got both weeks of his 2 week notice off paid because his former employer's policy was not allowing people to work through the 2 week notice period.


Yes generally that is the policy here too....however it seems I am always too darn valuable or trustworthy and they always keep me around for the two weeks (often helping HIRE MY REPLACEMENT!). Sheesh!

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hrm... Thanks so much for all your valuable input. I guess I'm trying to quit my job not mainly to rest but to hunt for a job and write good applications and letters. But in any case, I guess you guys are suggesting this isn't really the best way to go, so I think I'll just have to try squeezing everything in at the same time.


My company - they tend to make people stay till the very last day, unless I've saved up enough vacation days which I can take after I handed in my letter.


Thanks again!

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I quit my job this morning, but I waited until I had been offered another one. I think it depends on how strong the job market is where you are, how plentiful jobs in your area of expertise are etc.


Personally I probably wouldn't quit a job without having another one, although I have taken significant periods of time off (and resigned to do it) for a 6 month round the world trip, and 3 1/2 months off at the beginning of '07 between jobs (travelling at the time too). I don't think employers here see that as a bad thing although I know they are stricter in the US (I don't know where you are) for example you guys seem to get a lot less holiday time than we do, and I think almost without exception all of my friends have taken career breaks to travel or have taken time between jobs to do other things (volunteer work, build their houses etc).


Like Dako though if my job hunt had kept dragging along and if I hadn't had a mortgage to deal with I would have quit my job due to incompetencies in the organisation.

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People usually say it is easier to find a job when you currently have one, if you really want to get out of the place where you work you will find the job. If your really commited to finding a job then you will do it.


Personally I think its better to find a job while you have one cause it looks better plus you dont have to worry about having to find a job right away cause money is tight.

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