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Just Ranting


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As the thread title says this is just a rant on my life. I just need a place to throw my thoughts down because its driving me crazy.


I just turned 20 about a month ago, and the biggest thing on my mind is I've never had a gf or even been on a date. It has occurred to me before 20 and bothered me once in awhile, however I would eventually get over it, and be fine till I thought about it again. But since I turned 20 I havn't had a day yet which it hasn't occurred to me that I am 20 and never been on a date. It now drives me crazy all day long. Chicks just arn't interested in someone who is, oh say 20 and never been on a date. They are often thought of as losers and that they have some kinda problem. I am happy with who I am, but little good that has ever did me. I am currently going to college and just feel like sh**. Chics show no signs of intrest towards me, I don't know why except that I have never had a gf, its not like I have a horn growing out of my head (but at this point it couldn't hurt).


I found this site a little while ago, and there are a lot of good articles here but the thing that has me looking at this site everyday is the community. Until now I knew in the world there were others that had problems similar to myself, but until finding this site (forum) I hadn't met any. I have read about other peoples relationship problems on this site and I know it sucks to be in their spot, and for that reason am glad I have never had to deal with it, but on the other hand they had some one that they felt connected with.


I am feeling better for being able to get that off my chest.

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Hey you,


You're fine! You're okay! There's nothing wrong with you. I am guy and I can tell you PROUDLY (!!!!!) that I have managed to wait till I was 22 with my first time making love. Guys are too anxious to 'score' these days that it's not funny anymore.


I am going on 31 now. I have dated a few women before, but I have been a happy single up till a few months ago. I am dating women more often now, because I am ready to settle down... finally! The women I date find me cute, when I tell them all this. Why? Because (like you!!) I have deep respect for women. Good things come to those who are patient... I can tell you from experience.


Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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I agree with everything that swingfox has said. In addition, I'd like to say that there ARE others out there JUST LIKE YOU. I have a good friend who is funny, charming, and not bad looking at all...but has never had a gf.We cant understand why...other than the fact that he is too picky and disregards anyone that shows an interest or he is too intimidated to make a move and JUST ASK HER OUT. My suggestion to you is to A) not think that you are abnormal, B) don't let the girl know within the first few dates or even at all that you have never had a gf...it really none of her business anyway, and C) find a girl that you are interested in, maybe in one of you classes and think of a reason to talk to her.

In my time on this site, I have learned that the biggest problem with guys going for girls is that they are too scared. well, listen to me...I am a girl, a chick, a female, a woman, whatever you wanna call me, I represent a lot of the Venicians out there when I say this: GET SOME BALLS!!! I dont mean this in an offensive way in any means, all I mean by it is that a woman is intrigued and becomes interested in a guy a lot of the time when a guy comes up to her and catches her off guard and asks her out. Even if they say no at first...keep talking to her and she WILL become interested to some extent...even if it is just to be friends, you still gained...just don't give up!!! TRUST ME!!!

I I replied to your post but I am copying it and making it a separate post as well because I KNOW there are other guys out there that need this advice as well! GOOD LUCK!

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