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Holy Water/No Name/Incendia

Daddy Bear

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A few things that I wrote during my ENA hiatus, posted here so that I can find them:






winnowed from a dissonant medley

as confusion is distilled to weightless vapor and resolve

in crystal droplets, finds her as with stalwart purpose;

kissing shoulders never meant to carry,

wetting hair long rumpled by despairing slender hands,

salving welts from self-inflicted lashings on her soul.

In what is close to an involuntary motion

her face turns upward, catching more.





Cruelest fish,

we took my hook.

We, schmuck and schnook.


I crave pursuit, I do;

to know your dusky gloom

in algal bloom to be baptised,

perhaps to rise -

arms wide, olive drab, facial corners strict unbending.

Thus, a true romantic ending!

This Jesus statue should I be,

though no-one good

would drop a knee.


Carnival, carnival, then. Again

the caramel coats the fruit of sin.

O gravity, you love a chin!





Lay cool hands atop my steaming brow,

damp the forge's clangs within my breast.

Count with me the multitudes of sheep

a-milling in the cool green meadows west.



Armies cannot stop Rome's burning now;

close my eyelids, bring me perfect rest.

Goddess Mother, take me in my sleep;

fly with me against your bosom pressed.



Give me no wine, for I want to be vivid

the sweet sublimation of joining the skies,

even if fantasy born in expiring.

Few of us dream so well; who never dies?



EDIT: One more; "Doodle" (aka "On Direction and the Human Condition")


There is no metaphor in Zen -

I glance askance, askew,

but then

affix a face afore again.

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