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My bf is stalking me

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I would call the police right now to be honest. And Dump him over the phone, dumping him over the phone is harsh But who cares!! he sounds dangerous don't risk your life by doing the so called right thing.


She cant just do that IMO. She needs to get the cd's and material and delete them/get rid of them.

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Keep in mind that after being with someone for 2 years, you love that person. All the suggestions above are decent, but easier said then done. Calling the police on someone you love? That's gotta be pretty tough, for any reason. Either way, something needs to be done about it.

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he's got a fetish sounds like. but the hidden pics when ur having sex is a bit much. your privacy is totally invaded. i'd call your 250lb brother joey from brooklyn and tell him get his bat. lol


but i do agree you need to bring this up. he needs to come clean. make sure you have all pics and such wiped to disk before you do this. so you can just bounce out with the evidence and he is left with nothing.

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ok so i confronted him when he was at work ( i know thats mean but I didnt want to do it to his face) He said it was just a joke and a test to see if i ever was going to go on his computer without his permission.

what a load of crap. you should know from common sense that doing ALL THAT to see if you'd go on the computer is a complete LIE. when you get back all that stuff will be gone and what I said will happen.


he is a seriously disturbed man and now he's going to think he's gotten away with it.

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that's the biggest load of crap I've heard in awhile. Backup EVERYTHING he has on you on his computer and go to the cops for a restraining order. Don't delete everything or, as catwalk said, YOU will be the one percieved as crazy.

PLEASE don't believe him when he said he was doing it all as a test. You KNOW that's BS. This guy is a grade-A creeper.

Call whatever male friends you have (preferably the big tough ones) and have them there as backup.

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Deleting it won't do a thing. Most of it will be recoverable if you just throw it to recycling bin and click "Empty Bin". Deleting things marks them with a flag that says "It's ok to write over this program". It doesn't actually go anywhere until some other item is put on his computer to take the new available space.

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pull the hard drive out, beat it senseless with a hammer and throw it out. that way nothing is recoverable. i find his story to be complete bs.


i'm not sure giving video and pics and such of you naked to the cops is a good idea. i'd just bail and hope nothing comes about.

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pull the hard drive out, beat it senseless with a hammer and throw it out. that way nothing is recoverable. i find his story to be complete bs.


i'm not sure giving video and pics and such of you naked to the cops is a good idea. i'd just bail and hope nothing comes about.

Or you could just use software to erase it permanently such as "window washer" It rights over the files to over military security level when you delete them if you wish. But you wont have any evidence then.

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Or you could just use software to erase it permanently such as "window washer" It rights over the files to over military security level when you delete them if you wish. But you wont have any evidence then.


yeah, if you do it right. sometimes when you use those softwares, there are still bits on them. if there are bits, there is recovery. since this is his hard drive, trash it.


rub a magnet over it and then beat it senseless. then bottom of a lake. good to go.

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I like that idea most. It's so easy and simple.


This guy is full of it...if he wanted to find out if you were going onto his computer, he could have found a different way. Just the fact that he'd want to "test" you like this (which is bs) is sick.


There's something seriously wrong with him...he's obsessed and it won't turn out well. You need to back everything up so that you have evidence of it, although it may be too late now, because now that he knows you're aware of it...I don't think you should be anywhere alone with him. Removing everything from his computer doesn't mean he doesn't have everything saved somewhere else.


Get away from this creep fast.

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daddy'smakinmonsters ~ any updates?


This guy really has some problems, no sane person would do things like this.


"I just did it to see if you were gonna go through my stuff" - HAHA, lamest excuse ever.


So what are you gonna do?




Hmm, I just hate when people come on here, post once or twice and then disappear, never giving any updates about the situation again.

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