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I know what needs to be done...but it won't happen...


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I'm 18 years old and in college. In real life, I'm a very shy and conscientious person. I think about what other people are thinking way too much (sometimes to the point where I don't attend to my own desires). I rarely go out anywhere. The reason being that I don't have any good friends to go out with (my roommate has to work every weekend). It is hard for me to get to know someone; It is very hard for me to get know a female and especially for a female to be friends for me. In fact, right now I can say that I've never had a true friend that was a girl. Sure, I've talked to a few girls, and a few girls have talked to me, but nothing serious ever. The subjects discussed would always be something about an assignment in class or something. Then when I talk to females online most of them at least comment that I'm not ugly; In fact, most of them say that I look good. My problem is not that I don't think I look good; I think that I look good. The problem is that I cannot relate and get more intimate with anyone. I feel like females are wishing that I would shut up when I introduce myself because they think I'm some dateless, inexperienced loser (which I am...but where the hell do I start then?). Then sometimes I feel like females are just kind of looking down on me like I'm not anything significant and worth getting to know. I consider myself a very nice and caring guy. I don't believe in making other people feel bad just because I have to stop being so nice all the time; That is simply who I am.


So what is this? Do females just not want to hang out with someone who isn't like most other guys (afraid to be seen with me perhaps)? Or are they actually interested in me but act uninterested and put emphasis on it...to the point where I can believe that they really are interested me? Or does this world now have certain stupid requirements that every guy should have?

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Hey Mate,


I know sometimes it seems like an impossible task, a leap into the unkown but in reality its pretty straight forward. It alls comes down to confidence YOU ARE NOT A LOSER!!! so stop putting yourself down. What you need is to do is remember you are a great guy with some amazing qualities. Dont build things up to be too difficult you need to go out there and get involved. You are like most guys its just we have different abilities some people can just naturally make relationships some guys have to work at it.



Women are all different, same as guys its just a matter of finding the ones that are compatable and are looking for a guy like you (they are out there!!!). If guys all had to conform to some crazy set of requirements the world would be dull and boring. Sometimes it someone really special to push us along other times its the situation. One day you will look back and think what was all the fuss about, trust me.

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I used to be really shy myself, but then one day I decided that being shy was getting me no where. I decided to talk to anyone that came my way, whether it was just a hello and a smile, or a long conversation. It was unconfortable at first, but then I started to enjoy meeting all these new and interesting people. Now, I can talk to anyone about anything, with out a care in the world of what they think.

You are not "ugly", you just need a confidence boost. Anyone should be blessed to talk to you and gain your insight on the world. You have alot to offer the world.

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