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orgasm faking


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Definitely have, unfortunatey.... but definitely prefer not to.


pros - gets things over with when you want things to be over with, keeps a guy from getting all pouty and worried over the fact that he didn't satisfy you (and thereforeeee excusing you from having to calmly explain to him that it is ok, that he doesn't need to worry, that its no big deal, etc. etc.)


cons- well... pretty obviously... if you fake it you aren't getting the real deal, now are ya? Plus... you don't wanna make them think it is THAT easy, now do ya??


Truthfully though... I think honesty and communication should always be the goal for the best sex life in a committed relationship.

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I have done it, plenty in the past, but not anymore! I dated a guy that I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I faked it. Slowly but surely it turned into me faking it more than I was really getting it. And there is the major problem! I was teaching him the wrong way, he thought what he was coming to the table with was actually working because of me and my deception!!!


Learned my lesson, I don't do it anymore. I am much harder on my b/f now and he knows I expect one every time, and if I don't get one~ he knows it. I am not afraid of hurting his feelings, cause if I didn't get there~ I just didn't get there. No hard feelings, just try harder.


I would never fake again~ it really only hurt me in the end.


But guys, do you really care? Or is it like Jerry Seinfeld said: "We men know you fake your orgasms... and you wanna know how we feel about it? We're fine with it. You do whatever the hell it is you gotta do." ha ha ha ha

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why have sex with someone if you are in a hurry to 'get it over with'?


Because maybe on Monday you really really want to, but he is the dead tired one.... but then on Tuesday, he is the one who won't stop coming on to you. So.. you compromise.... and .... then, it happens.... your body is tired.



I'm not saying it is the right thing to do, I'm just saying that it happens.


Lots of situations happen. Not every sexual encounter is perfect like we want to imagine them in our head. The best we can do is strive to be as honest as possible with those we care about and learn from our mistakes.


And for the record, YES, I do think faking it is ultimately a mistake if you do it with someone you truly care about and are with long term.

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I dont think guys can fake it...Well not as good as females can anyways since a guys orgasm is external and a girls is internal. Unless of course shes a squirter.


But a female can do kegels to replicate the contractions that occur when she orgasms and she can obviously fake it orally.

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I dont think guys can fake it...Well not as good as females can anyways since a guys orgasm is external and a girls is internal. Unless of course shes a squirter.


But a female can do kegels to replicate the contractions that occur when she orgasms and she can obviously fake it orally.


oh, trust me. guys can. i had success in my faking. i've only done it once though.

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she didn't know.


I bet. But it is pretty much common knowledge that women fake orgasms... but when put to the other gender... it's insulting. lol... guess it's double standards, etc.


I would be mortified... guess that's something to keep in mind ladies next time you think you want to have a faux O... how would we feel?

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I bet. But it is pretty much common knowledge that women fake orgasms... but when put to the other gender... it's insulting. lol... guess it's double standards, etc.


I would be mortified... guess that's something to keep in mind ladies next time you think you want to have a faux O... how would we feel?


watch 40 days and 40 nights...that girl was P/O'ed

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oh, trust me. guys can. i had success in my faking. i've only done it once though.


Your idea of success and my idea of success differ then. Because if you had to hide the evidence, or lack of in this matter, you didn't fool anyone with the act.


It's like OJ simpson...Sure he fooled everyone because the evidence(the glove) didn't fit. But he didn't fool anyone with the act. Everyone knows he did it, he just left "fake" evidence. Which is the same as destroying it. Bad example maybe, but w/e.


The girl you faked it with musta been dumb. Who the hell flushes a condom after they're done UNLESS they don't want the lady to see nothing in it.

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just curious to know how many girls fake their orgasm? or ever have faked?

what were the pro's and con's of doing so?

and weather there are any guys out there that have faked aswell?

tell all!!


Yes ive done it so that my partner my partner wont feel bad, and when it hurts too much i pretend as well so he would ease u a little.

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Your idea of success and my idea of success differ then. Because if you had to hide the evidence, or lack of in this matter, you didn't fool anyone with the act.


It's like OJ simpson...Sure he fooled everyone because the evidence(the glove) didn't fit. But he didn't fool anyone with the act. Everyone knows he did it, he just left "fake" evidence. Which is the same as destroying it. Bad example maybe, but w/e.


The girl you faked it with musta been dumb. Who the hell flushes a condom after they're done UNLESS they don't want the lady to see nothing in it.


i flush all condoms. why would i want that mess sitting in my garbage smelling like burnt rubber?

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Have never faked, just said this is gonna take a LOONGGG time. She would reply, OK, do you want to stop? NO! After awhile we agreed I wasn't going to get there, so let's stop, and cuddle. No biggie.

And BTW, I don't know if a woman ever faked one with me, I just HOPE they didn't. I don't need a cushion for my ego!

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