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So what do YOU think is worse?


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Okay, so I know cheating is cheating but I am curious to know which would make you feel worse. I know it all hurts the same ... im just curious to get your view on this


Again, I know cheating is cheating and it hurts either way but the question at hand is ...


Would you feel worse if your SO cheated on you with someone you know (someone you know personally or someone you just know of) or a perfect stranger?


I think it would hurt me more to know or know of the person.


What do you think?



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toughie. at first i say soemone i know bc obviously you are going to have mutual friends with the person and they are going to be seen around and mentioned at parties and such BUT the fact that they did it with a stranger makes you feel even more scared bc they could cheat with people you didnt even know existed...

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I'd say someone I know. Because then it's a double betrayal. You've been betrayed by your SO and someone you thought was a friend. That's tough to take. Plus, to me it's even worse because it shows even more that your SO doesn't care how you feel about anything.

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Would you feel worse if your SO cheated on you with someone you know (someone you know personally or someone you just know of) or a perfect stranger?



I think it would be worse if I knew the person, because then I would think back to times when we were around that other person , and I didn't know what was going on, and I would probably drive myself crazy wondering if I missed any "signs", etc. Ugh, that would suck.

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I agree with the other posters.

It's worse if you know the person, not only for the double-betrayal, but you also have the unfortunate instances of picturing them together, whereas, if it were a stranger, it's all abstract and less vivid.

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Personally, I do think it would be worse if it was someone you knew because then it might raise the whole 'going on right under your nose' situation, which would be worse, because in addition to feeling the pain of being cheated on, you'd feel really stupid as well. Also, if the person your SO cheated on you with was someone you liked, you'd feel betrayed twice over.

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This might seem strange, but I'd rather know who was sleeping with my man, so I could have some words with her. Also, I love my boyfriend a lot and if he did cheat, I would like to know who my competition is. That might seem strange, but I don't think I would let my boyfriend get away with cheating on me more than once, but ONCE is forgivable.

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but ONCE is forgivable.


Depends on the circumstances. Everybody makes mistakes I guess, and in some instances it might be possible to forgive a one night stand... dunno how you'd manage to forgive it though. A full blown affair though? No way.

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If it's someone you know, it's a double whammy. Not only did your SO betray you, but your friend/acquaintence/family member/co-worker/etc screwed you over, too.


If it was someone I knew, I'd have to take a really long, hard, honest look at the kind of people I was allowing into my life.

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This happened to me both ways...


When thinking about the other woman involved....it was, by far, worse when it was with someone I knew. Not I that was super close girlfriends with the woman or anything.... but it is that whole "putting a face to the crime" thing. I didn't understand how she could do that to me having known us as a couple... it just felt so much more malicious, and thereforeeee I felt much more deeply wounded.


When it was with someone I didn't know, it was much easier to chalk it all up to simple desire. She didn't know me... she just wanted my man.


In either case, when thinking about my man, both cases hurt in their own way for different reasons... it is hard to say which one really hurts worse. I think for me the answer to that depends on whether or not it was a one night thing or a long-standing affair.

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Nixee, I'm sorry that happened to you! Both ways!! But what you're saying makes sense to me.


Everyone seems to be taking the position that if you knew this person, it would be worse because you'd be doubly betrayed.


Well, what if you knew this person and they were like, a real piece of nutzo work? I think if I was cheated on by some girl who clearly was out to lunch, I'd at least be able to comfort myself that my bf had gone INSANE. So, some mitigation could be granted on the basis of mental instability.


Whereas what if the girl he was cheating on me with was some outrageously beautiful, sophisticated, coveted-by-every-man woman but I didn't have the benefit of having the slightest inkling of who she was? To me, what I can't see grows greater.


My imagination is worse to me than knowing exactly what I'm dealing with.


I'm going to go against the grain of everyone else and vote for: I'd rather know the person. Gotta know your "enemies", right?

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I was cheated on with someone I knew of but wasn't friends with and with complete strangers and with prostitutes, so I'm just pretty much hurt all round. But for some reason it was worse thinking of the girl I knew of and not the ones I never saw because It made the visual images much more profound and hurtful maybe because I knew what she looked like and she was very attractive even though shes a complete * * * * * .

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Someone I know would warrant an @$$ wooping. Someone I didnt know I'd be over it a just get the hell outta there. The thought of my ex cheating makes me sick, sometimes I wonder if she ever did.


That is very disrespecful on the part of the om if they know you. Probably party to information on the relationship otherwise unobtainable thereforeeee showing themselves as the opportunists they are.

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