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what if cutting is a religious conviction?


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You're a born again Christian?!!! God doesn't call on you to mutilate yourself! Jesus died for your sins. Just ask for forgiveness, and try your hardest not to make the same mistakes.


Cutting is a disease. You just need some help. Have you ever considered treatment?


I'm sure you're in a lot of pain. I think you should look online for some help. Or you can walk into a hospital and tell them you are going to hurt yourself.


They can hold you in the psyche ward until you start feeling better. It'll be okay, just find someone close by to help you.

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Long term is I get to spend eternity with Jesus Christ. My bible says to avoid hell at all cost even if it means cutting off my hand.


Okay, this is really disturbing, I really think you should read the bible again.


Where are you getting this from? This makes absolutely no sense.


I think that you have some issues, and you are hiding behind a new religion.


I mean I'm concerned, this sounds like a Law & Order episode. I mean, where are you getting this from?


You think cutting yourself will get you into heaven? Who told you that? What church were you "born again" at?


This is craziness?! Do you see that this is a sickness? It's a disease?


I just watched an episode of "intervention" about cutting. This is about self-hatred.

You may have hate for yourself, but God doesn't hate you.


This is really very disturbing.

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Hi crippledsoul. You know, i've often wondered the same thing, Does religion promote self-injury? it gives us all these standards and morals and model of perfection that we can never live up to and then we feel guilty. Then we feel we have let God down. Then we hate ourselves. Then we feel we deserve punishment to even the scales a bit.


It makes sense to me.







This sorta has the danger of turning into a religious debate btw guys... keep it cool.


God believes in us. Of course he doesn't want us to self-injure logically. But cutting is not logical, it never has been.



The cutting is about yourself, how you feel about yourself, what you'd like to change. About self-hate and blame. And those issues could be worked through in therapy by talking about it. You have clearly thought a lot about these issues, and i have every faith you'll work it out.


girl friend

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girlfriend, look at the thread title.....when "religious" is in the title in order to properly respond there is little way to do so without religion being in it.


I assume the mods will delete it if it is going against the rules....but anyone is hardpressed to respond without religion being a part of the reply considering the orig post.


Since the thread lasted for three pages I assumed the mods were okay with the context. I was surprised myself it lasted so long.

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The OP on this thread cuts in the name of religion. I suspect if it wasn't for religion then it would be for some other reason that the OP feels is justified.


How is this a reasonable assumption? If it wasn't for religion the OP would not feel shame over something as natural and basic as pleasuring yourself. Religion and a frankly serious mental problem on the part of the OP is at fault here.


This of course assumes that the OP isn't being a troll and parodying a religious zealot. That's th thing about religious zealots, you can't tell if there serious or fake because the serious one's are so insane they sound like a parody.

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What if my religious convictions dictate that I should cut myself as atonement for sin? Doesn't freedom of religion protect me in this case?

thereforeeee it would be a violation of my freedom of religion to be hospitalized for self mutilation.


We don't live in the middle ages any more. A person who SI today will only have to coves his actions to himself and to his God, I don't think any one will stop you if you live in a country where there is freedom of religion. But you fail to mention where you stay, sow I can't say for certain.

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I have my own cult that I started. I am the only member that I know of. I don't recommend anyone else join my cult.


Since this is so off the beaten path of what most people would follow I don't think this will be a big problem. It sounds like a very unhealthy path for you to follow but as long as you are following it of free will, whatever works for you.

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I have my own cult that I started. I am the only member that I know of. I don't recommend anyone else join my cult.


I do SI. To me it is away of coping with my stress and anger not the same as with you, I rarely have to get medical attention. Well most of the time I know how to take care of my wounds. No one ever tried to get me committed for SI yes they do ask why I do it, and blah blah. You should get ground rules how your SI is incorporated in your religion. I am addicted to SI in many ways.

You should be careful of this as well. Sow you only do it if it falls within your religion and not because it has become an addiction.

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girlfriend, look at the thread title.....when "religious" is in the title in order to properly respond there is little way to do so without religion being in it.


I assume the mods will delete it if it is going against the rules....but anyone is hardpressed to respond without religion being a part of the reply considering the orig post.


Since the thread lasted for three pages I assumed the mods were okay with the context. I was surprised myself it lasted so long.




I do SI. To me it is away of coping with my stress and anger not the same as with you, I rarely have to get medical attention. Well most of the time I know how to take care of my wounds. No one ever tried to get me committed for SI yes they do ask why I do it, and blah blah. You should get ground rules how your SI is incorporated in your religion. I am addicted to SI in many ways.

You should be careful of this as well. Sow you only do it if it falls within your religion and not because it has become an addiction.


No religion tells you to SI though?


Hows u doing?

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