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what if cutting is a religious conviction?


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What if my religious convictions dictate that I should cut myself as atonement for sin? Doesn't freedom of religion protect me in this case?


thereforeeee it would be a violation of my freedom of religion to be hospitalized for self mutilation.


I am a born again christian and I sometimes feel like it is God's will that I shed my own blood as atonement when I commit serious sins such as masturbation or cursing God in anger.


It actually makes me feel better after I do it. I alleviate some of my guilt.


It would be much easier for me to cut myself for a period of time after committing sexual sins and feel better than it would be to stop the sexual sin.


I have no desire to stop sinning. So in order to feel better about sinning I have to cut myself. I go through a cycle of cursing God in anger and cutting myself to feel better about it. Then it's only a matter of time before I'm verbally abusive towards God.


Since I'm single I'm now free to go back to my practice of self mutilation without any consequences.

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What's in it for me is that I feel better. It's a way to ease my guilty conscience as I feel that I'm providing an honorable atonement for my mistakes.


Although I'm likely to face religious persecution for it from parents or friends or a significant other.


I think if you read what i wrote I asked long term. So?

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No, your freedom of religion does not protect you because you only have freedom of religion so long as your religion doesn't intrude on any other laws. So long as you are committing a crime by attempting suicide (which is what this would be if you're being sent to the hospital) it would indeed be against the law.


My advice? To be blunt don't do it because if you get sent to the hospital, someone could die while doctors are wasting there time treating you. Depending on where you live, the taxpayers may also be wasting there money treating you for your selfish desire to cut yourself.

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Oh well. One should always put their religious convictions above everything else including the laws of the land. All I know is that if I have orders from God to slice myself then that's the only authority I am to obey regardless of what man's laws say.


If I get taken to court then praise God I'll have a chance to preach the gospel in the courtroom. I'll preach to the judge. I'll preach to the psychiatrist. I'll preach the gospel to the whole police force.


They asked for fire and brimestone preaching and they're going to get it if they mess with me! If they don't want me to preach then they better not invite me into the courtroom.


They can't shut me up. I'll tell the judge that God's laws are higher than any stupid laws that have been on the books lately. I'll warn the judge that he'll burn in hell unless he repents of his religious persecution.


Also in the bible sometimes angels came and unlocked prison cells for the christians to escape. I believe God still works miracles today. He can send an angel at anytime to release me from the psych ward just as he did in biblical times.


Angels have broken christians out of jail before. That's a violation of man's law. So the judge will have to take it up with God's angels if I get released from jail or the ward.

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If I get taken to court then praise God I'll have a chance to preach the gospel in the courtroom. I'll preach to the judge. I'll preach to the psychiatrist. I'll preach the gospel to the whole police force.


Get yourself checked out because you sound like you should be preaching to a rubber wall. I'm serious, see a trained psychiatrist. You keep up with this and you might find yourself in a cell with Big Bubba whose going to preach to you a whole new gospel.

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Get yourself checked out because you sound like you should be preaching to a rubber wall. I'm serious, see a trained psychiatrist. You keep up with this and you might find yourself in a cell with Big Bubba whose going to preach to you a whole new gospel.



I can always preach the gospel to the inmates too.

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Also, if you really believe in what you're saying, how do you think your god feels about you using a constant free pass? I wouldn't think that if you're supposed to not "sin" it's ok to do it and justify it by cutting yourself. Especially since you really don't seem to mind the cutting, how are you atoning for anything? Either stop "sinning" or get rid of the guilt and realise it's not a "sin" and there's nothing to atone for. Get help.

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There's a verse in the bible about your body being the temple of the Lord and not to defile it that I think would be very applicable here. Perhaps you should read it. You're twisting your religion around to suit your desires, which, my friend, is the ultimate sin because you're not respecting God.


Which "god" exactly? Zeus? Yehovah? Thor? Allah? Jupiter? Jesus? Mars? Shiva? Baal? Murti? Apollo? Ra? Brahma? The Great Crow? The Tooth fairy? The Easter Bunny? The other thousand fake deities created by our archaic ancestors to explain their existence.......


The think the best advice for an individual such as this is to take control of your own life. You must........ It scares me to see people controlled by archaic superstitions.......](*,)](*,)](*,)



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Which "god" exactly? Zeus? Yehovah? Thor? Allah? Jupiter? Jesus? Mars? Shiva? Baal? Murti? Apollo? Ra? Brahma? The Great Crow? The Tooth fairy? The Easter Bunny? The other thousand fake deities created by our archaic ancestors to explain their existence.......


The think the best advice for an individual such as this is to take control of your own life. You must........ It scares me to see people controlled by archaic superstitions.......](*,)](*,)](*,)




I'm not religious in the slightest mate. I'm just trying to write something that the OP can relate to and actually take notice of rather than just accusing him of being sick and weak. He's saying he is religious so that should be taken into account when replying. It's just giving a bit of respect for his beliefs, however "wrong" they may seem.

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I'm not religious in the slightest mate. I'm just trying to write something that the OP can relate to and actually take notice of rather than just accusing him of being sick and weak. He's saying he is religious so that should be taken into account when replying. It's just giving a bit of respect for his beliefs, however "wrong" they may seem.


Fair enough. I just think if he had a less fundamentalist perspective perhaps he would be better off. If he was not a fundy and if was more based in logic and reason, subsequently he could understand the absurdity of what he is saying and perhaps he would chill out IMHO. Nonetheless his current thoughts are very disturbing.......

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I refuse to pay my medical bill. If they throw me in jail then an angel of the Lord will bust me out. They even arrested God when He came to earth in human form. As long as I have God's power I am above the authorities. The authorities pick the wrong man to mess with.


But if you are in jail then cutting yourself will be much harder. Especially if they put you on 24 hour watch.


I knew Jesus was a fisherman and a carpenter but I was totally unaware God was a baker.

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Even if everyone left you all alone and didn't give a whit or do a thing regarding your choice to self mutilate, there would still be consequences.


As Bob Marley sang "For every action, there is a reaction. Yeah. Yeah.


It's up to you if you can live with those consequences or not, and if you want to change or not.


It saddens me that you seem to see so few advantages to stopping. But it's your choice ultimately.

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There's a verse in the bible about your body being the temple of the Lord and not to defile it that I think would be very applicable here. Perhaps you should read it. You're twisting your religion around to suit your desires, which, my friend, is the ultimate sin because you're not respecting God.


I'd like you to respond to my earlier post if you could please. I'm interested in what you have to say about it.

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