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Do Employers Always Contact References?

Double J

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Recently I had two interviews for a local non-profit. The director requested 3 references on Monday of this week. It is Thursday morning now, so I decided to ask 2 of my references if they've received any calls from her. They told me they haven't.


I'm starting to get a bit worried. Do employers always contact references after requesting them from you? Do they only contact the references of that individual they're interested in? If the latter is true, why would they ask for them in the first place if they're not interested in me? I'm not sure if she just hasn't gotten around to it yet.



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I will only contact references of candidates I am actually considering for the position. I will always request references to be provided from any candidate that I am interviewing (just so everything is there in case I am interested in hiring them).


That's just me though. It would depend on the practices of the employer. For my company we require a minimum of two references to be checked.

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For my current job (I.T.), I was hired right on the spot after my first interview with no references whatsoever. For my previous position (director of business development for a small company), after a three-hour interview I was told I'd hear back over the weekend. Turns out they called all three of my references, and then I was offered the job. However, the circumstances surrounding this position were WAY off the beaten path, so to speak. I was very young and had little experience so it was nice to get the position in the first place. It carried a lot of responsibility and the potential for a six-figure income. Unfortunately, I failed miserably and decided sales isn't right for me anymore... right now, at least.

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Surprisingly, not always! Sometimes if they get a good first reference, they quit calling the others too.


Or the person doing the references (an HR person) just hasn't got around to it yet...


Yup i agree. Surprisingly not always. If it is a large company that uses recruiters than i can tell you that recruiters get swamped and don't always check every reference.


I have been guilty of that myslef - just checking one or two and if they were good not bothering with the rest. The logic being that people are not typically going to give you a reference that they think will be a bad one. It's the same with personal references. Would someone really give you a name of someone who will slam them? LOL


The BEST references are the ones that are not supplied by the candidate. If the recruiter or manager networks with many of the local businesses it is by far a better gauge to call up someone you know at the company the candidate used to work for and say "so i am interviewing XYZ PERSON, what do you know about him or her" and going from there....but you can only do that if you are really good friends with that other person and typically network with them in such a manner. Recruiters do that a lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some of them will. Usually when they ask for a specific amount of references they contact them. When I had an interview with Tommy Hilfigre, they ask for one reference they could contact. I found out around two and a half months later that they did contact that reference, I didn't they called but they did. I didn't get eh job which sucks but they did call.


I really think it depends on the person who is hiring. I know my cuurent manager didn't call any of my references when she considered hiring me. She didn't even interview me at all.

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