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Alone under this abandoned, old tree,

the leaves dropping one by one,

as my tears do when I'm left alone,

when someone close to me leaves,

I wonder if this tree cries just like me.



Laying in the grass now,

I see a butterfly,

it flutters around me,

I imagine my Nan,

she loved them dearly,

I wonder if she can see me,

I wonder what she'd be thinking,

whether she would be proud,

or whether she would be mad.



Walking down a street,

with others around, joyful and happy,

I'm the odd one out,

with a frown instead of a smile,

alone is what I'm destined to be,

or so it seems.



I arrive home,

walking up these stairs,

and into my room,

I lay on my bed, thinking,

I wonder if this is how my life was planned,

alone, abandoned,

I scream so loud,

but it falls amoung deafened ears,

I cry so much,

but they don't see the tears.



I want someone to take my hand,

to never let go,

I want someone to love and care,

and never stop,

I want someone to hold me,

to never leave,

I want someone to stay,

and never leave me astray.

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