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Quit Smoking 2 Weeks Ago


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Hope all is well fellow posters



So, I quit smoking two weeks ago and am still on Chantix (the prescription drug that ends the craving of cigarettes). Wondering if anyone has weened off of this as well and has any tips or warnings.


Or, if you just simply quit smoking on your own ( go you! ) and have some tips on the whole non-smoker life. I am finding it quite boring... I know weird. What do they, I mean (now) we do with our time?!?! How do I NOT gain the excess weight that goes along with quitting?


Any advice is always appreciated.



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Congratulations on the two weeks!


re: Chantix, i would follow the whole course of treatment (i.e., don't try to push yourself off it too soon or you might have a relapse)...


re: the weight, people gain weight for 2 reasons. first is because they want something (anything) to replace the cigarette habit, and turn to food... the general advice there is to switch to eating some crunchy foods like carrots, celery, apples, green peppers and other low calorie substitutes for the cigarettes.


the other reason people gain weight is that the body uses something like 3-7% of its metabolism to REMOVE toxins from your body when smoking. the body has to work much harder and rev up to try to clear all the nasty chemicals out of your system, so it does raise the metabolism. but that is actually a BAD thing showing you how unhealthy cigarettes are that your body has to go into overdrive to clear them out of the body.


it is also one reason that smokers look more haggard as they age... the effect of the toxins on the system and the body working harder/wearing out from the effort.


so what you should do is step up your metabolism a bit by adding some exercise, in fact a LOT of exercise during the quitting stage til your body re-adjusts to compensate for the slighty lower metabolism. take a 20-40 minute walk every day, or other visit to the gym. it doesn't have to be vigorous exercise, just keep the body moving to increase the metabolism a bit.


the urge to overeat will taper off as the smoking desire fades away... so you should be in much better attitude in a few more weeks.


people find quitting any addiction boring in the beginning, but eventually you won't notice and will find yourself finding other things to fill your time. just think how unhealthy your pursuit of cigarettes was, if it was your entertainment!


some people take up crafts (knitting, art etc.) to have something to do with their hands for a while. explore some other hobby and stick with it...


you could also try 'worry beads' or a hand exerciser or something else to do with your hands for a while... keep it at your desk and if you have the desire, use it... some people play with a pencil or pen or other object for a while to work off the 'nervous' energy in their hands til they adjust to not smoking.

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The biggest thing for me was finding alternative ways to deal with stress. I was one of those smokers who started craving a cigarette really badly when things in my life were looking down, and avoiding them would just up the nervousness. Finding alternatives for stress management was a big step in being to let go of the psychological addiction. Another thing I found helpful was to stay away from other smokers. The smell of it on their clothes or when they are actually smoking can make a cigarette seem really tempting.

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Good luck...am getting the Chantix script at the end of the month!


KG I still can't believe how it worked!! It's a miracle drug! A few days after taking it I realized how gross smoking REALLY was... I mean it left this horrible taste in my mouth, I could smell it in my hair, on my hands, clothes EVERYTHING!!! Not to mention somehow, I could actually feel the smoke burning my throat and lungs~ it makes it all so clear why you should quit.


I highly recommend it~ but then again, I am still on it so I will let you know if I relapse.

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The biggest thing for me was finding alternative ways to deal with stress. I was one of those smokers who started craving a cigarette really badly when things in my life were looking down, and avoiding them would just up the nervousness. Finding alternatives for stress management was a big step in being to let go of the psychological addiction. Another thing I found helpful was to stay away from other smokers. The smell of it on their clothes or when they are actually smoking can make a cigarette seem really tempting.


I have already cheated once when I went to play pool... the smell in the bar.... the alcohol... even the pool stick brought back the "urge."


Smoking is like a bad friend, you remember all the fun you guys used to have and want those good times back, but you know the friendship is bad for you and have to end it.

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Congratulations on quitting!! Is there something else that you could get on?

I was told by my nursing professor said that Chantix causes suicidal thoughts.


Have you spoken to your doctor about it??


Well damn, I hope not!!! LoL... The only thing I am noticing is~ I am a very picky eater so I RARELY get heartburn... I get it more and more while on Chantix and it is very bothersome.


The other thing I have noticed, and I am not saying this is bad... I get the WILDEST DREAMS!!!! I remember EVERYTHING about them when I wake up, and I know I am dreaming while I am a sleep. I am practicing to try and control the dreams while they're happening.... still trying on that one. It's actually therapuetic, because whatever I encounter, speak about, think about that day, I will dream about it later and then try and analyze that dream. It's really groovy~

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Well damn, I hope not!!! LoL... The only thing I am noticing is~ I am a very picky eater so I RARELY get heartburn... I get it more and more while on Chantix and it is very bothersome.


The other thing I have noticed, and I am not saying this is bad... I get the WILDEST DREAMS!!!! I remember EVERYTHING about them when I wake up, and I know I am dreaming while I am a sleep. I am practicing to try and control the dreams while they're happening.... still trying on that one. It's actually therapuetic, because whatever I encounter, speak about, think about that day, I will dream about it later and then try and analyze that dream. It's really groovy~

You should definitely talk to your doctor if you ever have "suicidal" thoughts of any kind. I don't know how a drug could ever make you have those thoughts? Still trying to figure that out for myself but I don't doubt it.


Another thing you might want to bring to your doctors attention is that you are eating less. At least, that's what I read in your thread. If that's the case, then you should definitely tell your Doc about this. One of the side affects can be anorexia.


Good luck! I'm happy to hear that you're doing fine!

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I quit as with with that drug it works great! The only problem I'm having or was having was SLEEPING I couldn't sleep to save my life! I told my Dr. she gave me something and now i'm sleeping but having some really weird dreams. Oh yeah I tend to get angry easier, but everyone doesn't seem to care. they're just happy i quit!

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No, even though some poke fun at my skinny bones... I have no problem with eating... I am just a picky eater so I don't eat spicy food and a lot of other stuff that causes heartburn. I was worried about any weight I might gain thanks to being a non-smoker now.


And no suicidal thoughts yet~ thank God.

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I started to go to the gym, well it's my friends Apt. complex gym but its better than nothing! I have to use my hands a lot try doing more on the computer.


How long have you been a non-smoker??


I guess you didn't have the same dreams as me... they are really far out.

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Hello and Congrats to all that quit smoking. It is a very hard thing to do but is well worth it in the end. I quit with the Chantix 4 months ago. I originally thought this stuff is not going to work because I smoked the first two weeks with it but couldn't help it the desire was still there so I continued to take the pill and smoke too but after the second week it was like "YUK" this stuff is nasty. I would recommend taking Chantix for the entire 3 months and longer if you need it. I stopped taking it after the first month and my stress level was unreal. I found it was easier to handle quitting with the Chantix rather than without it, but honestly could not afford the second and third months.


I am very thankful for Chantix. I did not have any problems with it and it was a true miracle for me. I did slip in December on my birthday and smoked three cigs only to realize that this was not the thing for me. On the weight issue, I did gain approx 15 pounds and thought I had to lose that immediately or my life would come to an end, ha ha. It's ok though.


Don't get discouraged and don't worry about the weight (if you have any) it's one step at a time. After 4 months of not smoking I am now working on the weight gain as I am now more capable of handling more. I have lost 10 of it so far, so only 5 more to go. Hang in there it is worth it.

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I found it was easier to handle quitting with the Chantix rather than without it, but honestly could not afford the second and third months.


That is what I am going to go through... okay I forked out the $130 :splat: for the first month, but cannot conceive spending another $260 for the suggested amount of time. I have two more weeks, if I still want a cigarette after that, tough titty because I won't buy more Chantix or Cigarettes... We shall see how that works out for me.


I am so glad there are others out there like me!!!

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As with alot of things you just have to really want it. To see the smile on my kids face was all it took for me. They told me they loved it that I wasn't smoking anymore and begged me not to start smoking again. That just gave me more incentive not to start again. My boss and I both did this together and neither have started smoking again.


The habit was harder than anything and to be honest I never want anything to have that much control over me anymore. I felt like a kid without it's favorite toy at the beginning. You can do it, I also do the chantix thing on the computer, ha ha. Didn't want to have to sign in and say I had smoked again. Something small but helped me not to go back, gave me a sense of accomplishment. Best of luck!!!

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You know, I'm not going to lie, I know how you feel. I smoked for 18 years so I know how you feel. To this day I still feel like I'm suppose to be smoking, ha ha. I don't miss the smell and the cost but I do miss the "recreation" of it, if that makes any sense.

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You know, I'm not going to lie, I know how you feel. I smoked for 18 years so I know how you feel. To this day I still feel like I'm suppose to be smoking, ha ha. I don't miss the smell and the cost but I do miss the "recreation" of it, if that makes any sense.


perfect sense, I get ya

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there is a class action lawsuit against the makers of chantix right now. Supposedly it has killed over 500 people. Congrats with your progress. I would love to quit. I recently quit smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. Talk about crazy dreams and major anxiety. Good luck.

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there is a class action lawsuit against the makers of chantix right now. Supposedly it has killed over 500 people. Congrats with your progress. I would love to quit. I recently quit smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. Talk about crazy dreams and major anxiety. Good luck.


Why did you quit drinking and smoking the ganja?? LoL



Killed over 500?!??!?!?! I haven't heard of that but you better believe I am googling like crazy now. Thanks!!!!

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I quit smoking since 2001 and haven't looked back.


I cheated a few times as well my first year but after that I never had the desire to smoke again.


I gained around 20-25 lbs after I quit, but for me it was a healthy weight gain.


Nicotine helped me out when I was stressed, but now I deal with it through exercise, meditation, relaxation, etc.


I have to admit the hardest for me when I quit smoking was not being able to smoke when I drove anywhere and whenever I was socially drinking. But it'll pass and you'll get over it.

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I quit smoking since 2001 and haven't looked back.


I cheated a few times as well my first year but after that I never had the desire to smoke again.


I gained around 20-25 lbs after I quit, but for me it was a healthy weight gain.


Nicotine helped me out when I was stressed, but now I deal with it through exercise, meditation, relaxation, etc.


I have to admit the hardest for me when I quit smoking was not being able to smoke when I drove anywhere and whenever I was socially drinking. But it'll pass and you'll get over it.



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