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nooo its like youtube. except its where people can upload their own porn movies. nothing scary.


and you can also comment on them like youtube. i read about it in one of my womens magazines. quite interesting.


did you try it? Never really been on youtube either?

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My previous ex had higher drive than mine. Sometimes it was too much. I broke up with her because she seem like that was all she wanted and became a turn off after a while...because it made her look like a sex addict. Too much of anything is never a good thing. Balance is key to everything and to happiness.

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My previous ex had higher drive than mine. Sometimes it was too much. I broke up with her because she seem like that was all she wanted and became a turn off after a while...because it made her look like a sex addict. Too much of anything is never a good thing. Balance is key to everything and to happiness.


wow-you kinda sound like my guy. I think I maintain lots of balance though because I have a very active social life. I have a lot of other great components to me which why I am so horny on my downtime! lol

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My guy wishes he could have sex all the time, but he`s got a cranky body. When he`s tired or his body is acting up, he`s not into it.


I just make sure I pounce when I know he is usually feeling good. Works better since I don`t get rejected and he doesn`t feel embarrassed for rejecting me.

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