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Fellows is it at all possible for a female to have a bigger sex drive than a male? My partner is really throwing me off because he says all I ever want from him when he comes around is sex!!??? YES I'm a very sensual person and I really enjoy the encounters we have together-but the bottom line is that I'd rather the sex part then the non-sex part. He surprised me by telling me that I am just one horn ball....he said "well sometime I would like to come over and watch a movie or just relax and talk but you just won't let me"


So maybe I am overreacting but what does that supposed to mean.

A) there is someone else that is getting the loving

B) the sex is not all that great to him

C) he is starting to catch feelings

D) he is not all that into me


Please advise

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Nope. I have a much higher sex drive than my fiance. He never turns me down but sometimes hes not in the mood and I can tell cos hes tired from work. Maybe your boyfriends tired. Me and my fiance have agreed that his sex drive is lower than mine. Its no big deal at all. It doesnt mean anything bad. Just differences in people. Find a compromise!

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I would say that there is no indication it is any of those options. It could just be that your drive is higher than his. Yes, that is perfectly possible. I have been with girls whose drive was higher than mine, and yes sometimes I would rather have just had some closeness when they wanted more sex. Don't take it as a slight on your appeal.

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I dont think he's cheating or anything. You just simply have a higher sex drive than him. I know i have a higher one than my fiance. Are you showing him enough love and attention aside from the sex? Because if you're just throwing him out afterwards or cancelling things (like going see a movie together) for sex, maybe he wants more time to get to know you more and enjoy your company. It really depends on the situation though.

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i love women with high sex drives as i'm usually ready to give it up. lol. but i can understand this guy. he wants it less than you. okay. do you not like to just chill and watch a movie? maybe have sex with him after. but i bet if you went a bit more aloof with not pushing for sex, he will be on top of you a lot more with no effort from you.

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i love women with high sex drives as i'm usually ready to give it up. lol. but i can understand this guy. he wants it less than you. okay. do you not like to just chill and watch a movie? maybe have sex with him after. but i bet if you went a bit more aloof with not pushing for sex, he will be on top of you a lot more with no effort from you.


YES! that is true when I give him the nonchalant I am tired deal he's trying and of course I give in! I do like spending time with him alot and he's just now starting to show he cares. You know the hugs, and love taps, the stroking of the hair you know all the non-verbal things! I suppose all will be fine I just wanted to know if this was something I should be worried about.

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Yes it is and I'm amazed at how many women I've come accross with that same issue. My wife and I are in this boat as the more she gets, the more she wants and I could be good with once in three weeks. It depends, maybe a discussion, not a "talk" but a short covering the bases is in order just so that you have some answers for yourself and he may not feel so pressured.

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Definitely possible!


The girl I was seeing recently was a massive horn ball... I have a very healthy sex drive but I couldn't keep up with her at all. The mind was willing but the body was not!


One time stands out in particular, we'd had sex 6 or 7 times (orgasms all round) and it was about 5 in the morning... and STILL she wanted to go again. I never thought I'd turn down sex but I did. She let me have 4 hours sleep before the sex resumed.


Good times.

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i think i have a higher sex drive than my partner which is a bad thing sometimes as it also takes me ages to orgasm, so i'm often left frustrated.

my boyfriend often doesnt want to have sex as much as me when he's been working all day and he's tired. Maybe thats the problem here.

You should talk to him about it.


I tried to talk to him last night and he answered as he always does saying he works so much and never have time to rest. He doesn't get upset and he doesn't yell or argue about he just makes comments like-what do you do when I am not here? Or if I was to have to leave on business what would you do? And there I am sitting there in ectasy ready for more and he stops and asks these questions!! What the hell do I say?


I am satisfied with him and I can get like 3 orgasms in one night-but it's like a never ending feeling. I mean once I get the orgasm another feeling is on it's way--so I really don't want to stop-it is over when he yells!

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