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Daydreaming about your crush


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Just downloaded/remembered the song Crimson and Clover. Like the version by strawberry alarm clock; the original is alright.


I know what it feels like to like someone for a long time. Even then, at times there is short periods of intense daydreaming along with thinking about them in between. Is this true for other guys?


What about girls?


Like obviously imagining being in bed/holding that other person and doing all that sensual stuff, but the romanticism just the irony of their existence, kind of awe knowing/seeing this person. Its that soft spot when the chicks say awwwweeeee after seeing a puppy or something cut like that. Is that what it is? Was wondering how common this is.


They use the term wanting someone in this case?

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well the rest of the guys here dont seem to have all these daydreams but I'm a girl and I'm constantly having stupid romantic fantasies about crushes.

For example if I hear a song that reminds me of the person I suddenly imagine some steamy stuff or if I watch a romantic film or read a romantic book/poem I replace the characters with me and my crush-I know its totally lame but I'm sixteen so I'm guessing I can get away with it. I have a really vivid imagination anyway which doesn't help because when I like someone all of a sudden I can imagine crazy things that most likely wont happen but they say that its good to "visualise" what you want because it brings you closer to your goal well thats if you believe "The Secret".

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well the rest of the guys here dont seem to have all these daydreams but I'm a girl and I'm constantly having stupid romantic fantasies about crushes.

For example if I hear a song that reminds me of the person I suddenly imagine some steamy stuff or if I watch a romantic film or read a romantic book/poem I replace the characters with me and my crush-I know its totally lame but I'm sixteen so I'm guessing I can get away with it. I have a really vivid imagination anyway which doesn't help because when I like someone all of a sudden I can imagine crazy things that most likely wont happen but they say that its good to "visualise" what you want because it brings you closer to your goal well thats if you believe "The Secret".


you are also 16.

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you are also 16.


which means its okay right? lol. Its such a stupid mindset though because if the guy doesn't return my feelings then it makes rejection that little bit more painful. Rejection isn't scary just not pleasant. But other people daydream like this at much older ages? Yes? I'm pretty sure there must be some who do.

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which means its okay right? lol. Its such a stupid mindset though because if the guy doesn't return my feelings then it makes rejection that little bit more painful. Rejection isn't scary just not pleasant. But other people daydream like this at much older ages? Yes? I'm pretty sure there must be some who do.


i think when you get older a lot of this goes away. almost like crushing on someone. you make this fantasy up in your head. usually when you see someone all the time and you don't even have to interact with them at all.


i remember when i was in grade school, some girls that i thought were totally out of my league. i'd think of them all the time. fantasize and what have you.


now that i'm older, i just ask the person out. i don't waste time wondering and pondering. i might not see them again. in school, you can pretty much count on them being there the next day and it prolongs. so yes, cause you are 16 and more than likely in the school situation as i described.


not that that is a bad thing.

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I once was at a football game (after graduating) and this chick was kinda in tears cause there was a guy she liked, and she didn't know if he truly liked her back. I think he did by hearing the conversation played out, but they weren't sure of each other. The girl comforting was in the same situation, frustrated by not knowing why they didn't just come out and hug them or something. It was ironic.


But females aren't that easy to get. Even if they like you it takes a while. You can't just start rocking them to sleep. Is that right? My one sided views once again.

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