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Craziiest place you've had sex??


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I thought this would be a good one just to see what some other poeple have done.


Where is the craziest places you've had sex? Name your top three. Come on don't be shy lets here them...


I'll go first... in a tractor while plowing the field (it was fun). In the closent at my work lol. Oh and in the front yard of my mans parents house in the back of a truck bed. Yeah one more b/c it was fun a football game.

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- Macy's dressing room.


- At a park on a table.


- At the beach.


- On a ferris wheel.


- At my ex's beach house when there was like 6 people in the room.


- In the woods.


- At my job on the floor in the back room.


- Pool/ Jacuzzi.


Hi my name is Laura and I am addicted to sex! haha

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not that crazy but funny....


In the tent in the backyard while my mum was watering the flowers (she didn't know we were in there and we had started long before she came out!)


on the rooftop of a hostel in Jerusalem


in the treehouse


on my parents' bed


in a hostel room while 10 other people sleeping.. (except maybe i accidentally kicked the guy in the head in the bed next to us? )


on the beach (sand in the bum= not fun


will add more when I remember

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Also a Macy's dressing room!


The beach, in the water, in the sand..


the best though...


I went to Paris and I met a guy randomly in a busy park next to le notre dame cathederal...we drank wine, smoked french cigarettes and then got it on.... Saundres, if you're out there--TRES BIEN!

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ive had a few daring experiences.... but these are my favs


on a skateboard ramp, in a skate park.. overlooked by 4 high rise blocks of apartments (14 floors)


on a train, standing up against the door



bj on the back of a bus



a few times in the toilets of bars



my fantasy is to do it in a phone box.... havent found anyone daring enough for that yet

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and the woods

at work in the spa bathroom

at work in the walk-in cooler

at work in a hotel room


numerous cars


in a little fishing boat in the middle of a tiny lake


my name is jen and im also addicted to sex

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Aw, I'm rubbish compared to everyone else. My boyfriend and I christened every room in our house, including the scary cellar and the room with no curtains when a double decker went past. That was fun..


This isn't really crazy, but definitely the drunkest sex I've ever had. My housemates and I had a Halloween party. My room is downstairs, so bf and I go in, lock the door and start going at it on the floor after ordering pizza. Hear the doorbell go and my housemate yelling "who the **** ordered pizza?!!?" I leap up and off stop to grab his boxers (which did not go well under my tutu skirt) go outside, grab the pizza and come back in to fall asleep *instantly*


Also once had him tell me to stop (whilst drunk). When I asked him why his response was...and I kid ye not..."Communism"

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the top places i had sex.

1. in the mall 8:32 pm (around ppl)

2. the mall 9:00 pm (between the main 2 doors ppl walking by at all times)

3. the playground 12:45 am (nobody around but police around in there car)

4. the train station 1:00 am (ppl could came by us but did not)

5. the movies all the times we went (we all did this one ppl)

6. the park all the times we went (we all did this one ppl)

7.The famliy bathroom at the mall 12:00 pm(we all did this one ppl)

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- On a footpath in woods (5pm) someone came along just as I was pulling trousers up or were they just watching


- Hedgerow of a bush 5m from a very busy path in town which also had peoples gardens back onto it. This was about same time as before.


- In a room when my friend was talking to me gf and I were very drunk. But I put an end to it after like 30sec lol. He did not know we were having sex though.


- Generally in the car in random spots down country lanes and woodland car parks at night.

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the top places i had sex.

1. in the mall 8:32 pm (around ppl)

2. the mall 9:00 pm (between the main 2 doors ppl walking by at all times)

3. the playground 12:45 am (nobody around but police around in there car)

4. the train station 1:00 am (ppl could came by us but did not)

5. the movies all the times we went (we all did this one ppl)

6. the park all the times we went (we all did this one ppl)

Are you an exhibitionist or something?

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