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You're right I just need to test, delaying won't change the outcome. Just afraid becuase me and my ex are not together, and this will be my second child but with a different man. What man is gonna want me after having two kids with two different men.


Honestly.... I'd hope this would weed out the worst types of men right off the bat and leave you the more committed ones


You will get through this whether a test comes back negative or positive... you sound like a very strong and together woman.

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I don't think that will make you undesirable, thouse. Lots of men get involved with women with children, and many love those kids like their own.


I would date a man with kids if he was a good father and a good man.

Thank you all so much for the support I will update you guys once I test. If I am pregnant I am going to need some advice on how to tell my ex. What's so funny about all of this was on New Year's Eve I told my ex I would be going into 2008 with no ties to him and that he shouldn't contact me anymore. Now Look.

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You're welcome, we're here for you so come back any time to talk if you need to.


Ah, well having unprotected sex is always risky and I'm sure your ex knows that too and it took two to tango so if you are pregnant he has an obligation to step up and help you with this child, if you are pregnant.

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I didn't get any symptoms other than missed periods for a little while I was one of the lucky few who didn't throw up every 2 seconds though as well. I would most surely get a test as soon as you can as it gives you more time to decide.

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Maybe you should make an appointment to see your doctor. I have a friend who;s had three children.. EAch time the pregnancy test would say she was not pregnant when she was. A blood test will say for sure, also it may be cause for concern if you are due for a period and have not had one yet.

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Maybe you should make an appointment to see your doctor. I have a friend who;s had three children.. EAch time the pregnancy test would say she was not pregnant when she was. A blood test will say for sure, also it may be cause for concern if you are due for a period and have not had one yet.

yeah I am overdue for my period so I am concerned.

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Maybe you should make an appointment to see your doctor. I have a friend who;s had three children.. EAch time the pregnancy test would say she was not pregnant when she was. A blood test will say for sure, also it may be cause for concern if you are due for a period and have not had one yet.

how is this possible.

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Well it's a good sign that you have 2 negative pregnancy tests- but if your period doesn't come in a few days I would make an appt for a blood test just to be sure.


When was your period due?

It was due by the 26th of Dec, but definitely no later than the 31st it fluctuates by days somtimes but I have never went into the next month without getting one.

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If you are infact pregnant your levels may not be high enough to be detected by a HPT, you may need a blood test to confirm it. My friend had that happen, she took like 5 or 6 HPT's that all came back negative but she just knew she was pregnant and sure enough once she got a blood test it was confirmed that she was pregnant!


If you aren't pregnant your period could be late from all the stress of worrying over pregnancy and the holidays.. I know mine was alittle late coming this month from all the holiday stress and mine usually comes like clockwork. A visit to your dr can't hurt.

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