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Anniversary Poem - What do you all think?


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Ok I wrote this poem yesterday and I'm going to give it to my gf Wednesday for our anniversary. I'm 17 and she is almost 17. Anyways the homecoming dance was earlier this month and we had a blast and I want to put the picture in a decorative frame and give it to her with this poem on the back but I want to know what you guys think of my poem and if it needs any changes.


Picture of You

I still remember

The day we first met

That most certainly is a day

I will never forget.


It's funny how our paths crossed

And how I've grown to love you

I just thank God with all my heart

That the girl I feel for was you.


The way you light up my life

Is similar to fire flies in a jar

So magical and unexplainable

More miraculous than a shooting star.


Every time we are apart

My longing to hold you becomes unbearable

No other girl could please me

For none are even comparable.


All I have to help me cope

Is this picture of you and me

It's covered by a piece of glass

Making it very clear to see.


The glass protects the picture

From any rips or wrinkles

So I can admire your smile

And the way your eyes twinkle.


At that moment

We seem happier than ever

Our smiles expressing and symbolizing

Our true love that will last forever.


The solid and sturdy frame

Holds an image I'll remember forever

And captures a memorable moment in time

As well as binding our souls together.


I love to gaze at this photograph

Each day and each night

For when I do, our adoring eyes meet

And in an instant, everything seems right.


This special photograph

I placed firmly near my bed

To bring me comforting smiles

When thoughts of you fill my head.


You are the missing segment

To the puzzle of my life (Haven't thought of two more lines to go with this stanza left so ignore it)


When I look at this picture

Memories of us in my mind, I recreate

And it's then that I realize

The colliding of our lives was no mere coincidence, but fate…


Although we might be physically separated at times

In a sense, we will always be together

Because as long as we have our pictures

We'll be together forever…

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i agree with every one when they say its sweet...your such a sweet guy to write a poem for her. there's nothing better than getting something like that from a guy, at least for me! it shows that he has a sensitive/romantic/sweet/creative side & he's thinking about her.

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Thanks everyone! You all are so nice. I only changed one line that makes it sound even better and those two lines that I wasn't sure what to do with I wrote on the bottom after the end of the poem. The reason I'm writing this is because my gf is a senior and I'm still a jr (she skipped a grade - that's why we are about the same age and she's 1 year ahead of me) Anyway she is probably going to the University of Wyoming which is sooooooo far away seeing as how we live in Florida so I'm making this for her so we can always remember eachother. Thanks for the quick replies, if any of you need any advice don't hesitate to ask 8)

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