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Materialization/getting to the first date


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Is it necessary to specify when offering to take a woman out somewhere. I was kinda general when offering to take this lady to the movies. I used that because I had an excuse..............the mall gave me some tickets in this holiday gift bag.


She said she'll think about it...............................as security I don't get to chat much. So it is not very often. Same with a different woman. Have spoke with her more and escorted to her car several times................


It wouldn't matter if I talked to all the women in the world................................Offering to take them somewhere.....................


But I don't know where/when/what they are thinking or if they want any type of date at all.


It isn't even far enough to be friendzoned.


I guess it i will me going out of my way to bother them to achieve this. But even after a conversation arises....................


One coworker said to ask if we could get to know each other better?


I am frustrated because I don't understand the nature of things. I am not stood beneath them. I think I could stuff it down and take the suffering (only because I desire).


I don't have a crush on either of these women, am just doing it for the sake.........(I don't care, just companionship seems nice)..........because I have had crushes and daydreams , yet never have I received such or had the opportunity to give such...................so I think it would be just as good of feeling me being nice to them, and then they would like it as I would the other way around.


I ended up giving the two tickets to the second woman, and told her she could go with her coworkers. I said I had no one to go with and had little interest in contemporary money making films with no goodness.....................but aside, she asked didn't I want to take her.


I replied if she wanted to, as they were hers. That way it is totally up to her. Havent spoken to her yet.................


The first one I waved hi to, but yet another case of no natural opportunity or inclination from either of us to converse really.


So I am taking this as two missed targets. Like in battleship, yet another white peg as with the other past rejections or aquantences withered.


As far as I know they both think I am nice, and I have reason to think that they think I am somewhat decent to good looking. Of course as a skeptic I could naturally doubt that too. They are trapped in a kiosk so maybe the only reason they were friendly towards me cause theres nothing else to do. I don't have a chance with anyone in stores cause security doesn't operate inside stores..........................


And as a casual civilian so to speak............I wouldn't know any girls. Outside this there is no exposure. College there is no conversing.


Frustration is the name of the game. I would be nudging a dead horse and get sick of hearing myself utter words that are in vain. Just repetative annoying myself and the females.

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i agree with the above post. if that swings and roundabouts way of writing a question is how you talk to women you need to sort it out!


from what i got from your post. u gave two tickets to a woman you liked and told her she could take whoever she liked. so why on earth did u give her the tickets? you've opened up the possibility for her to ask you to go the cinema with her but that's so cowardly on your part, an ultimate turn-off for anyone, and despite that you said u weren't that interested in 'contemporary money making films' anyway so why would she think you wanted to go!?


if you've got two tickets to the movies and want to ask someone to go with you. ask them to go with you. if they ask why. then say it's because you want them to go with you for good company.

your question was do you need to be more specific. my answer is yes you do.

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ya, I sound better in person, and I put on a smile.


I thought it might be cowardly, but if they do not know someone well, going with just that person is akward, hence why I just got rid of the tickets, and that will be the end. I just used them as an excuse to ask. If I don't hear back I'm done with it, so not to bother any further.


They aren't the best looking, not that I care.


Interesting stuff. I guess subjectivism wins out.

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