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how should i go about askin her out...


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whats sup? i've posted about this b4, but i wanted to ask a different question(s) about it? i won't be able to ask out this girl i really like till we have class next week unfortunately, so i gotta be patient for another 9 days. since we've never really talked b4, i don't know when or where i should talk to her. b4 class, during break, or after class? i know the first words out of my mouth shouldn't be "do u wanna hang out sometime", but i also don't know if i should have too long of a conversation with her to where it seems like i'm beating around the bush afraid to pop the question. i guess it all depends on the situation at the time. is it better tho to ask for a phone number or just ask to hang out, then play it by air? i figure that if she really feels the same way, then it'll happen. what do y'all think?

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Well from your post, I don't really know how well you two know eachother. If you are fairly comfortable with eachother, then maybe hanging out in person would be okay. But, if you two are more on the stranger side, I think it would be a bit more appropriate to call her, so you can atleast get to know eachother a little bit. At least just so things wont be so awkward. Good luck.

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well... lets not do the asking questions... cause that will be of a 50...50 chance.. use more like....lets go out to the movies, or whatever...

lets get some coffe at starbucks.. sumthing like that.... instead of asking.. DO YOU wanna go out to... whatever.............well it is still asking in a way... a more aggressive approach i think...try it...

just advice... nothing more... haha

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