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Should I be worried?


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I've known my GF for about 8 or 9 months and we've been going out for the last month or so. Anyways, since the day we've met we've chatted either on the phone or online but I haven't heard from her since Christmas night. I was flying back and I was talking with her at one of the many layover airport places I stopped at, when it was time for my flight I just said gotta go call you tomorrow. I called and there was no answer so I left a message. Every time I've ever left her a voice mail she's called back within a few hours even if it's just to say that she'd have to call back later because she couldn't talk. I called back today and left another message but never a call back. I'm not trying to be possessive or clutchy I'm just a bit worried about her as it just seems out of character for her. I totally trust her and know that she'd never cheat or do anything like that.


I've got her dad's phone number but I'm not gonna give him a ring unless I don't hear anything by sometime next week or so.


Should I be worried about her?

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I assume everything was okay between the two of you over Christmas and the last time you spoke to her? In that case, I'd leave it a couple more days if I were you. People get busy at this time of year, and also sick quite often, so I wouldn't worry too much yet. As you say, give it until some time early next week, and then try one more time (on Monday or Tuesday). If you don't get a response within 24hrs of that, then it would be reasonable to phone her dad and ask him what's going on. Before then, it might look a bit paranoid.

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We're 20 and weren't fighting or anything like that. I get along good with her dad and they're kinda close. I'd only get in touch with him as an absolute last resort if I don't hear anything by early next week.


I didn't mean to sound paranoid it's just that it's not like her.

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