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Job-related interview question

Double J

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If an employer were to ask, "Are you currently applying for other jobs?" would you answer with a yes or no?


They asked me this during the last interview and I replied with a yes to show that I'm not desperate for that job, that I have other options/offers, etc.


Is this what you would do?

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that is always a dumb question for them to ask, because if you say no they think they can either take their time looking at other candidates, or offer you less money becuase you have no other alternatives.


so the correct answer to this is usually, 'Yes, i am interviewing, but i really like this company and would love to work for you.' so they know you're really interested, but won't take a lowball offer.


if they only want the cheapest or most desparate person, it's a job you don't want!

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