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Male v/s Female Dumpers


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Lizer, I don't get this part. My ex dumped me and she hasn't bothered to contact me. I have really tried eveything - calling, texting, email - but she hasn't responded to anything. She just stopped talking one fine day.


What am I supposed to do? How can I make things right if she doesn't even want to talk to me??!!



Sounds like you were dating my ex..LOL. My ex did the same thing till she gave me lame excues and I did not buy into it. Afer a year of no contact she showed ujp at my job wanting to look for a different job, but stated she has issues with her parents etc and trying to work them out. Yes she dumped me and she was very cold before she did it. Here I was thinking what did I do wrong and it was not me doing anything wrong but she finally admitted after 2 years but again we are not on speaking terms again.

I would just do the NC and that is it. I am sure she knows how to contact you and if she does not her loss not yours.

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I think because men are problem solvers and want to fix things, if they dump a woman it's usually because they have issues within that they need to resolve and thereforeeee aren't ready to emotionally support a woman....Just based on my experience and what I've seen.



That is true about some men but not all of them. However what about a woman dumping a guy because she has issues?? IT has happened to me. IT is not all guys who do the dumping and has issues or hte grass is greener on the other side. Some women do think that way also.

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