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I want to stop her from marrying my brother, will it work?


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Hi I'm going to start off by saying that I will plan on breaking up my older brother from his future wife (they will get marry in the beginning of March). If I don't do something then it will be too late and I'll never get my chance to be with her.


My brother have known her for a very long time since they were 9 years old and me being 5 at the time. Then we had to move as soon as he entered middle school but I did get a chance to date her once as a freshman. Unfortunately I got rejected when she found out who was I (her excuse was that I was too much of a kid since I was 14 and she 18). It's been always her and my brother while I was an outcast.


Well not anymore because I'm going to find a way to separate them. One way can be putting fake evidence of him cheating on her so the wedding gets cancel and I get to console her. Thus I'll finally have her afterall and my brother won't get away with it.

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welcome to enotalone - assuming this isn't some kind of joke, no, i don't think your plan will work. they'll probably talk things through and figure out that you planted it, then you will majorly have pissed off both of them. be happy for your brother, and maybe at the wedding, you'll meet one of the bride's sisters or cousins, and they will be as lovely as her. ask one of them out.

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Or you could grow up. Better option really.


Easy to say that but you don't get it. I always wanted her that one time when I was 6 years old I told her that I will marry her while she and my brother just laugh. But not anymore, I'm sure if I keep trying I won't get rejected again. No fair that my brother got almost everything he wanted and he being so popular with many friends even the girl of his dreams, why not me.

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I wouldnt suggest doing anything to try to hurt their relationship! It sounds like you have a future sister in law that you greatly admire, she must be a very special lady!


As much as it hurts, it does not sound like she thinks of you in a romantic way. This is okay. You can not force someone to feel something that they dont. If you truly care for her, you will want her to be happy.. even if being happy means being with your brother.


Its not as if he stole her from you, shes older than you are and sounds like the two of them have been building this relationship for most of their lives. Wish them well. Dont be the rain on their parade.

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That's ridiculous on many levels.


You'll just alienate your brother.

It's none of your business.

You'll be embarrassed by whatever outcome results from this juvenile attempt.

It may bond them even closer in an effort to deal with a meddling brother.


Just let the festivities proceed.

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Clifton, if she wanted to be with you, she wouldn't be marrying your brother. Planning to destroy your brother's wedding to steal his fiancee not only makes you careless and selfish, but shows that you haven't grown up as she said because you're deviating a plan to falsely claim your brother as a cheater, AND you want to be the rebound? What makes you think that she would give you a chance if you're her fiancee's brother? This isn't going to work, be mature and wish your brother and his fiancee the best in life because if you did really love her, you would want her to be happy, even if it's not with you. If you loved her since you were six years old and don't want to let her go, then be there for her as a friend.

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If they were meant to be, they will be. Meddling will cause more problems than you can believe, with you being the one with the target on your back!

Imagine your whole family, hers also, and all their friends pointing at you..."Do you know what he tried to do?"

Listen to the other posters here. Take a breath.

Wish them well.

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Wow, this is really manipulative and it sounds like you're obsessed. This isn't healthy. If your plan doesn't work, you could end up alienating a lot of people.


This really has nothing to do with your brother or his future wife. It seems more like you have some internal issues you need to work out. When you do, I'm sure you will be able to find a wonderful woman, just as your brother has (not the same one, of course).


Best of luck.

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You must really hate your brother.


Hate no I wouldn't say that but maybe there is some resentment. He had almost everything he wanted and all the praise (how smart and friendly he is, so popular and the favorite child) and unfortunately that'll never happen to me.

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isn't this the plot of some shakespeare play - where the guy wants his brother's wife...... kind of like othello in some ways, but i'm not an english/literature person here..... and don't they all wind up dead in shakespeare's plays?


Yeah, I was going the low class route and thinking it sounds like a storyline from Melrose Place! Really, get a life and find your own partner...quit the jealousy of your brother. If you started focusing on your life rather than what your brother has, you might find out that you can achieve a lot and great things will happen for you.

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All I can say is this, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Nothing good can come from your fascination/obsession with your brother's fiance'. Oh and what happened to am I my brother's keeper? You see what happened to Cain. Be forewarned that absolutely nothing good will come of this if you decide to continue along this path. I'm saddened to even hear that you would go to such lengths to destroy your very own brother's happiness. I guess there's no limit to what we'll do once the green eyed monster takes hold. Shame on you!

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Easy to say that but you don't get it.
I get that it's a stupid road to even contemplate taking and will do you no good at all.
I always wanted her that one time when I was 6 years old I told her that I will marry her while she and my brother just laugh.
She's not a toy, so wanting her doesn't come into it. That's not love, by any stretch. Try and find out what love is before you start trying to destroy it.
But not anymore, I'm sure if I keep trying I won't get rejected again.
Yes you will. With an attitude like you appear to have, then I would guarantee it. This will come back to bite you and no mistake and ten years down the line you'll be still moaning about how life isn't fair to you. That is unless you do what my first post suggested and that was to grow up and build your own life for yourself.
No fair that my brother got almost everything he wanted and he being so popular with many friends even the girl of his dreams, why not me.

How old are you? No fair? Boo hoo. Guess what? Life is not fair, if you choose to look at it like that. So as far as you're concerned, your brother got more than you did? OK that's bad, but if you're beyond the age of reason and are an adult start acting like one. If you do anything like this all you will prove is that life was right to "give" your brother more than you.
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If this isn't a joke post, I tend to agree with the points made by other posters. It sounds as if their relationship is secure. If you 'fake' evidence, the chances are that they'll realise it is fake. They probably realise you are jealous too and if they find out what you have done, you will destroy your relationship with your brother and will never be able to undo that damage. You won't win this girl even if she doesn't marry your brother. There are plenty of other girls out there, you only have one brother. Be happy for them and let this one go.

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Oh, man....where to start on this one????


As another poster said, there are millions of women out there, but you only have one brother. You say you don't hate your brother, but if you try to break his relationship up by planting false evidence of cheating (which, by the way, is horrible), HE is going to end up hating YOU.


So your brother has been more successful in life than you have? Deal with it. There will ALWAYS be people who are more successful, more attractive, wealthier, smarter, etc. than us. All we can do is be the best people we can be.


Breaking up your brother's relationship for your own selfish motivations is NOT being the best person you can be. It's incredibly selfish, dishonest, and just....horrible. Why not focus your energy on improving your own life? Bitterness only begets more bitterness, and even if you were to succeed in your plan (which is HIGHLY unlikely), you'd still find stuff to be miserable about, because your life would be no different than it is now.


Oh, and....if she rejected you once, chances are that she'd do it again. It's highly unlikely that she'd come running to you, even if you managed to break up her relationship with your brother.


Again, please re-think this. Focus on bettering yourself, not tearing others down out of jealousy and resentment.

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isn't this the plot of some shakespeare play - where the guy wants his brother's wife...... kind of like othello in some ways, but i'm not an english/literature person here..... and don't they all wind up dead in shakespeare's plays?


English lit person here, and YES, this is VERY "Shakespearean." Othello definitely comes to mind (Iago plants "evidence" to prove that Desdemona cheated on Othello, but of course, the evidence is fake), as does Hamlet (Hamlet's father is killed by his own brother, who becomes King and marries his dead brother's wife). Chaos ensues. People die. In the case of Hamlet, almost no one is alive at the end, except poor Horatio!


And yeah...the outcome of these types of plots -- whether in literature or in real life -- is never good. Dead bodies -- whether literally or figuratively -- tend to pile up. Not a good scene.

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