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Banging my head against the wall...need to take a hint


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Not to come off mean or anything, but in a way she is telling you to F%k Off. She is ncalling you her friend, but you guys cant hang out? Thats not a friend. If you havent told her how you feel, chances are she already knows. You need to stop calling her, and spare yourself the heartache. That is exactly why I stopped talking to my ex. The friendship things was fake. You cant be friends with someone that you have feelings for. Now that we havent been talking, I feel alot better because I dont have to feel that agonizing pain of hearing once again how he loves me but isnt in love with me. Now I miss the time we shared, but not him. People change, and as sure that this girl is wonderful, she isnt what you need. Or your guys would be together right?


Friends with exes.One of the the most harmful things you can do to yourself.Also being friends with girls who rejected you is not advised.It's better to be alone or find someone new.

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Just glad to see you're on here and not out wasted and looking to score in an effort to escape the pain, someguy!


haha thanks love4life! I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to roll in the hay with someone right now. More than anything I'm yearning for someone to just spoon with. Maybe I'll start the Super Flirt Thread and all the ENAer's can get it on cyber style. LOL

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Not to come off mean or anything, but in a way she is telling you to F%k Off. She is calling you her friend, but you guys cant hang out? Thats not a friend. If you havent told her how you feel, chances are she already knows. You need to stop calling her, and spare yourself the heartache. That is exactly why I stopped talking to my ex. The friendship things was fake. You cant be friends with someone that you have feelings for. Now that we havent been talking, I feel alot better because I dont have to feel that agonizing pain of hearing once again how he loves me but isnt in love with me. Now I miss the time we shared, but not him. People change, and as sure that this girl is wonderful, she isnt what you need. Or your guys would be together right?


I agree. I kind of feel that she's telling me to F off by setting up this stupid barrier.


Once again, I have no doubt that she's a wonderful person, but I'm slowly beginning to see that she's not what I need. I hope I can hold this train of thought through tomorrow...

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She has that barrier there so that you can take a hint. I know you think you would much rather wait till you here her say... "Look Im never going to be into you, and what we had was alright, but we are just always going to be like this" But believe me, it doesnt make you feel any better. My ex yelled at me, "Veronica, Im NOT in love with you anymore!" and I still felt the same way. The same bewilderment. The same pain, till one day I was like this is enough. He says he wants to be my friend, but what the hell has he done to be a friend to me? Ok let me think....He hurt me, He calls me only when he wants to, he is vague in his answers when I ask questions, he wont see me or hang out with me, WOW im so lucky he wants me as a friend. NOT! I woke up one day and I said ENOUGH of settling for scraps. I told him that, and yes he tried to convince me that he would always be there for me and always love me and always want to talk to me, but you want to know one thing.....he never said what he was willing to do for me to keep our bond in tact. Anyone can say anything....where is the follow through? I deserve follow through. I gave and gave and was there for him through his hard time and even agreed to this sham of a friendship, just because I cared for him. But I didnt feel cared for or appreciated, because he wasnt. What it comes down to is Action speaks LOUDER than words.

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haha thanks love4life! I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to roll in the hay with someone right now. More than anything I'm yearning for someone to just spoon with. Maybe I'll start the Super Flirt Thread and all the ENAer's can get it on cyber style. LOL


Hey, I hear ya! Spooning is one of the best things about being in a relationship - best way to fall asleep, in my opinion. I will say that being single can be very lonely, especially on a Saturday night.

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everyone wants what they can't have. they tend to focus on it and it gets worse.


I believe that to a certain degree. However, I don't think real love is dependent on the level of attraction of the other person. My feelings for her would be just as strong if she felt the same way about me.

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I believe that to a certain degree. However, I don't think real love is dependent on the level of attraction of the other person. My feelings for her would be just as strong if she felt the same way about me.


you can be in love and not be attracted? wow. that would never work for me.

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you can be in love and not be attracted? wow. that would never work for me.


I think you misunderstood my post. I was simply stating the obvious that you can love someone even when their feelings about you aren't the same. I don't think I want her any more because I can't have her.

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I think you misunderstood my post. I was simply stating the obvious that you can love someone even when their feelings about you aren't the same. I don't think I want her any more because I can't have her.


ahhh. oh of course you can have feelings for someone moae intensely than they have for you and vice versa.

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