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Quick Responses Please!!!!!


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She shut her phone off? Nice going dude.


* * * ! i only said what u advised. it was too strong for her and freaked her out! u reckon turning up on her front door was gonna do any good?


im just gonna send 1 more text saying


"omg i was only joking about with you, you did you go all funny and swutch your phone off?"


thanks for all the replies, nice bit of comedy for some people!

im always there to entertain

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I just thought of something. Her phone is "off"...


I think you have a really good excuse to make a run over there. Just tell her that you tried to call and couldn't get through.



i think your right, she is a tease. i think she gets kicks from playing games.


i really not going to turn up at her door, i think ive done enough damage for one night.

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Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She's the one who whistled for the Devil so she should be prepared for whatever happens. You'll hear from her again don't worry. She turned her phone off for a reason. She could have been making her shag/fag offer to other people and somebody else simply got there before you did.

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Stop feeling sorry for yourself. She's the one who whistled for the Devil so she should be prepared for whatever happens. You'll hear from her again don't worry. She turned her phone off for a reason. She could have been making her shag/fag offer to other people and somebody else simply got there before you did.


im in no way feeling sorry for myself, its her loss after all. but its not the first time she has messed me about. i should have really learnt by now not to keep chasing her.

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"im eatin chocolate ice cream in bed, all i need is a shag and a fag and i'll be well happy"


I think all of you are reading WAY too much into this. I would never even assume that this comment was made to be taken seriously. Really...she is just talking about all the clichés....icecream (the cliche of what most women run to as comfort food when they are alone), the shag and fag (cliche for having sex and the obligatory cigarette afterwards...and it also rhymes). Really, is our society so obsessed with getting laid that everyone thinks that a simple joke is a serious offer??

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I would never even assume that this comment was made to be taken seriously. Really, is our society so obsessed with getting laid that everyone thinks that a simple joke is a serious offer??


I understand what you are saying but in this case I would prefer to give her the benefit of the doubt regarding her intentions. At the very least I think it could have been turned into an opportunity to have a smoke with the girl.

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I normally would agree with you about our society but somehow I'm missing the humor in this joke. I can't even see the joke part of it. What self respecting woman makes a joke like that? Especially on a text to a man. Now I could to one of her girlfriends, but if I'm texting back and forth with a guy and I say I need some comfort food as you put it because I'm obviousl lonely, a shag which is to get laid and a smoke afterwards THEN proceeds to reply with the brand of cigaretters that she smokes I'm missing the joke part. Now you may argue that she didn't mean it literally, that she was just teasing or just talking but then as an adult she should be careful not to play with people. She could say something like that to the wrong person and find herself in a situation she can't get out of.



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fag= cigarette

shag = sexual intercourse


Translation " I want a smoke and I want to have sexual intercourse".


Pick up some smokes and get your butt over there. Text her that you need to know what her favorite brand is, and directions to her house if you don't already know. Good luck!


Wiser,remember naked girl with a cigarette? ha ha ha.Smoking is bad remember?

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Wiser,remember naked girl with a cigarette? ha ha ha.Smoking is bad remember?


I am personally turned off by a woman who smokes. That's totally true. However, the OP may not be. And if it WAS me, I still might have run over there. I try to be openminded and flexible. LOL...

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i did follow ur advice... i sent


"what fags do u smoke, ill pick some up on my way over! lol"


and she replied


"B&H silver, but i dont think u could handle me, tbh i think i would break you, lol. im cold and having a brain freeze from the ice cream"


Wiser had the right idea! But I have a better one...


I would have replied to the first text... "What on earth makes you think I'm that easy eh!?" (name), you've still got a lot of work to do." Interpret it as her coming onto you, which she clearly was.


NOW you've set up the challenge!

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Wiser had the right idea! But I have a better one...


I would have replied to the first text... "What on earth makes you think I'm that easy eh!?" (name), you've still got a lot of work to do." Interpret it as her coming onto you, which she clearly was.


NOW you've set up the challenge!


Yep that works like a charm. I had a girl say something like I should be in her bed and I texted back: "I'm not that easy, you're gonna have to come out and play with me first." We went out that night.

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Yep that works like a charm. I had a girl say something like I should be in her bed and I texted back: "I'm not that easy, you're gonna have to come out and play with me first." We went out that night.


Gotta love these little games hey! good stuff 8)

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"Fag and a shag" is probably the voguey saying going around in her circle currently, wouldn't make too much of it or you appear hard up and not chill.


Reminds me of an old old joke. Old bull and young bull are standing on top of a hill in the pasture looking down on all the lovely cows. Young bull says, "why don't we run down there and "have" one of those cows?" Old bull replies, "why don't we just -walk- down there and "have" ALL those cows?"


There's much to be learned in that old joke...

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