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why are guys so into girls with big boobs?


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I like my own boobs.


To even think of picking a bf based on him liking your boobs first and foremost, that's just setting yourself up to end up with a pig.


In a way, those with a more regular sized chest have an easier time. Not having to encounter a lot of fetishy-big boob lovers.


I'll never forget the car salesman who talked to my chest while trying to sell me a car. Needless to say, I went somewhere else to buy my vehicle.

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You could have named them 1% and 2% reduced fat with added calcium.


Odds are that there is at least a 1% difference in the size. Most women are asymmetrical to some degree.


actually, considering that whole milk is only 3.5%, we are still in the ballpark.

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I have been considering getting fake boobs and everyone is telling me not to do it. My friend's husband is actually one of the main people telling me not to. He said they are unattractive and that a lot of guys agree. I really haven't had one person agree that I should get them. I think they just quite often attract attention but aren't neccesarily what a lot of guys really like.

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I have been considering getting fake boobs and everyone is telling me not to do it. My friend's husband is actually one of the main people telling me not to. He said they are unattractive and that a lot of guys agree. I really haven't had one person agree that I should get them. I think they just quite often attract attention but aren't neccesarily what a lot of guys really like.


If you get them done properly then no one will ever even know that you got them done. A couple of people I know got them done. Just the other day I found out this one girl I know got hers done; they look fantastic and totally natural.

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I really don't care what size they are, though I tend to like them "normal to smaller than normal." Never been a fan of huge mammaries. And if they're fake, I won't even take a second glance. I find ALL plastic surgery a major turn-off, and IMO it just SCREAMS that the woman is insecure, which I don't want to deal with. The only time I find plastic surgery okay is for accident/cancer victims, etc.)

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Breasts make certain people look, but what use is that? They might look, but I suspect a lot of people are ashamed to be seen with someone with large breasts, because people will think they're morons who are sucked in by massive knockers. Breasts may create an initial sexual response, but that's about it. It fires up the primal response, but then the brain does the rest of the processing and the interest stage is over.


I'm a natural 14 DD. People tell me I'm otherwise attractive, but my breasts have only ever received insults. All the anti large breasts posts just reinforce my anger and despair that I'll never find someone who finds me attractive inside and out. The breasts are such a distraction and a turn off and an embarrasement for a lot of guys. If otherwise decent people are "put off" by something I have had no say in, then looks like I'll be alone for a long time. I refuse to get them reduced, because I want society to lose its prejudice against large breasts. I went bra shopping recently and was very surprised to see how many bras were padded. It makes no sense to me. I have to cover up my breasts in order to be treated like a human being. People treat you like your large breasts are deliberate. Mine are not a statement, they just are! I'm still a person. Big boobs seem to bring out the worst in people. They attract the morons, and bring out prejudice in otherwise decent people. The attention is just a short term thing.



And to all the posters and readers out there who would reject a woman because her breasts are too big, you're missing out on a person who is sexy, interesting and who is by no means a bimbo, but you'll never know, I mean, what will your mates think?

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If a girl had a need for surgery for such big breasts I tend not to be interested in them. They obviously attract a lot of attention and i am weary of such needy people. Natural big ones are good, its the need to enlarge them so much that i find a turn off.


* * * * or ass, I love it all. Its not in the size its how you carry it.


That's unfair. You're assuming all woman who get breast augmentation do it for a need for attention. What about the women who do it because they feel unattractive, or because of something else? You of course have a right to not be attracted to it, but don't assume that all women with implants are attention wh_res.

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If you get them done properly then no one will ever even know that you got them done. A couple of people I know got them done. Just the other day I found out this one girl I know got hers done; they look fantastic and totally natural.


well, who is their doctor? 99% of the ones I look at online look fake and bad.

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It depends on the culture. I noticed that in America, people are into 'big boobs'. Where I came from women appareance are primarily dictated by their butt.


Personally I don't give a damn for big boobs. I like the small ones as well.


i have a friend that just got breast implants. she is like a triple d now. i think she looks gross. it's like she can barely hold herself up because her boobs are so big. but when we go out guys are all over her. my friends and i are like what the hell? she's fake. do guys really like all that fake {Mod Edit}? because i'm happy with what god gave me and i wouldn't change anything. but it looking like if i had a set of big fake boobs i could have alot of boyfriends. thats just wrong.
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I know this sounds crude, but I consider (large) breasts (within reason, of course) on a girl to be a bonus more than anything, it can make an already attractive girl more attractive, but it can't make an unattractive (to me) girl attractive. Does that make sense? Basically, physically the look of the face, eyes, hair, and overall body matter the most to me, and if she has an A cup, that's fine, and if she has a D cup, well then, bonus!

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