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why are guys so into girls with big boobs?


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Actually most guys prefer around C's. Which is big but not huge. And then there are the guys who prefer smaller ones, and other who prefer huge. Every guy is different. But I know a lot of guys don't like D's. They say they are too big and get in the way.


A lot of girls who have boob jobs, feel the need to "flaunt" them, so she might look easy and her confindence probably went up which also attracts guys.

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Actually most guys prefer around C's. Which is big but not huge. And then there are the guys who prefer smaller ones, and other who prefer huge. Every guy is different. But I know a lot of guys don't like D's. They say they are too big and get in the way.



I'm within your category. I prefer a healthy looking thin woman with large C's or perhaps small D's. Anything larger would be a chore.

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Guys like to look at big boobs because they are the most pronounced female secondary sex characteristic, they draw the eyes. As far as in the bedroom, most guys I know prefer shapely boobs of smaller size, C being optimal, but no real preference. Large implants are a mild turnoff in bed for me.

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Guys like to look at big boobs because they are the most pronounced female secondary sex characteristic, they draw the eyes. As far as in the bedroom, most guys I know prefer shapely boobs of smaller size, C being optimal, but no real preference. Large implants are a mild turnoff in bed for me.


especially when you notice that saggy wrinkly bag look of a fake one. certain positions, usually doggy, you can see it. and yes you can see your girls boobs in doggy before anybody asks 'how do you see?'

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All depends on the guy. Some like big breasts, some like small ones, some actually put a lot of emphasis on it being important in someone, most though however don't.


I am a full C, I used to date someone whom preferred much smaller than that generally (but he of course did not find them necessary to like a person and liked mine!), another one I dated complained you could always see my chest when I wore anything (um, I am rather small framed so no matter WHAT I wore they showed...he did not last long by the way, what a tool).


My current boyfriend loves them, but would love me even if I did not have them (and to be honest, I have been considering a prophylactic mastectomy in next few years due to breast cancer genetics and he once told me he would love me even if stuffed my bra with "chicken cutlets" as I had done so). My mother used to be a DD, now she is barely an A after surgery and my stepfather is still nuts about her and attracted to her.


Anyway, reason I am telling you all this? People are different, and attracted to different things. I know VERY few men whom have any maturity in them whom base a relationship/attraction on breast size alone, that does not mean that if they are very obvious they won't LOOK, but it does not mean they would rather HAVE that either (aside from maybe fantasy for some).


Also does NOT mean she won't meet someone whom sees her for MORE than her boobs either.


Sounds like your friend is just living a life she wanted when she did not feel as attractive. I would not say her self-esteem is yet entirely positive and I hope she builds it up for more than chest size, but if she is happy with it, what does it matter?


I bet you GIRLS are looking at them too if they are obviously fake by the way; it is something that just draws attention and would be the same if she decided to implant horns on her head.

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I don't really think about boob size very much. To me, all kinds of women are attractive. I'm happy with mine. I personally wouldn't want them to be too big because they'd get in the way when I tried to do things, like run or play golf. Plus I'd have to deal with the oversexualization of me by men and I don't like that...I prefer being thought of as an intellectual force even if its me just playing to stereotypes in our society.

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i have a friend that just got breast implants. she is like a triple d now. i think she looks gross. it's like she can barely hold herself up because her boobs are so big. but when we go out guys are all over her. my friends and i are like what the hell? she's fake. do guys really like all that fake {Mod Edit}? because i'm happy with what god gave me and i wouldn't change anything. but it looking like if i had a set of big fake boobs i could have alot of boyfriends. thats just wrong.


That's not a very nice way to be talking about a "friend" of yours. Do her boobs intimidate you?

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Some men are just attracted to women with big boobs. It's for fashion, and they want their woman to have them. Just like some men are attracted to women with big butts. It's not because the p***y is better than women with smaller butts, but because they like the fashion.

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I think men like them plain and simple...no matter the size. I think the larger ones just get more recognition by both females and males because cleavage and larger ones are just "thrown in our face" more.


So, we stare at your friend's because she is putting them "out there" so to speak, and you're not putting them on display so we are less likely to stare at yours.


I personally like a firm C..but I'd take smaller at the drop of a hat over fake. But, they are so far down on the attributes that I look for in a woman that it doesn't really matter.

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Speaking for my self if I'm looking into a long term relationship physical aspects are second on my list. Boobs are the first thing MOST guys will notice when looking at girls. Glancing at a girls cleavage at the club really gets me going. As long as their not slu+y, slu+s are a huge turn off.

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I don't know this broad...i'm not hating on her at all. Fakes will look even more hilarious on an 80 year old woman then real ones. I hope she does enjoy them...the thread was about why guys are into them...not she's an idiot for getting them. Guys just like big ones at first...but they will lose their luster VERY quickly!!!

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It's strange because most men will say they prefer real ones but seem to go goo goo ga ga over the huge fake ones. LOL


I think at the end of the day men just like boobs period. lol Bigger ones I think may their eyes pop out just because it is something they like that is very noticeable....whereas if they were actually dating a girl as long as he can see them that is good enough. LOL


Your friend got fake triple d's? Good grief. I can't imagine anyone unless their profession was stripping why they would want to go that large. I guess with my lifestyle i couldn't handle that. I like to be active...i have a pretty strong C and even they are aggravating sometimes. If I had triple D's i'd probably considering getting them augmented to a bit smaller....lol

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I don't think most men can tell the difference. Unless you see the girl topless, it's not that easy to tell. (Unless she happens to be gigantic, of course.)


Like I said, I've met girls and to my surprise they had fake ones, yet never would I have guessed. Under a bra, and a shirt or two, it's difficult to outright tell.



Well let's take out the fake part altogether. I hear a lot of men say to women they prefer smaller to larger but yet almost can't resist staring at a woman with a large rack walking down the street whereas they are not looking at the women with the smaller chest. So it seems a bit conflicting.


I guess it boils down to what I said - men like BOOBS period and a woman with a larger set and a low cut top is going to be more eye catching then someone with a small chest and an unrevealing top.


I am a female and find it very distracting to be somewhere when a woman is huge up top and her blouse is very revealing. It just seems so over the top and even if it is all women around it just seems downright distracting. The eyes tend to go to things that are curious and it is a curious scene. LOL It's not a big deal just a small (no pun intended lol) thing i've noticed that does distract.

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It's just like how many women will say they don't care about "size" right? People may say one thing, but their actions often betray their true feelings. I would imagine the breast thing is just one of those things, too.


Me, I'm upfront about it. I like large breasts and I have no shame admitting it. I see no point in lying or pretending I don't simply because it's not something each and every person likes to hear.


And yes, it IS distracting. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. It's like that Seinfeld episode, you can't help but look. Like a fish where its eyes move independently from its head. Poor excuse, maybe, but it's kind of funny.


and women look too. Women check out other women all the time. Not necessarily in a sexual way, but just because attractive people or things are interesting to look at.

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I don't care about the size of the breasts, however, I just love cleavage. Since you cant have cleavage without boobs, then its going to naturally follow that the boobs have to be big to produce the cleavage.


They go hand in hand.

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Yeah, and I bet they compare themselves too. Women can be the cruelest to each other. Often times, the better looking a girl/woman is, the more dirty looks and glares she'll get from other women. I see and hear about it all the time.


That is directly attributed to the confidnece level of the woman in question. If a person is confident they don't resort to these catty tactics.


That is so high school and sadly even women in their 40s and 50s still carry on like little girls. If you like who you are there is no need to cut down smoeone else simply because they are pretty.


The only time I have made the comment is if the women was also doing something that was pretty stupid and I'd make the comment on that, not just her appearance. If the woman is nice and friendly there is no need to criticize just to feel better about yourself.

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i have a friend that just got breast implants. she is like a triple d now. i think she looks gross. it's like she can barely hold herself up because her boobs are so big. but when we go out guys are all over her. my friends and i are like what the hell? she's fake. do guys really like all that fake {Mod Edit}? because i'm happy with what god gave me and i wouldn't change anything. but it looking like if i had a set of big fake boobs i could have alot of boyfriends. thats just wrong.


They're attracted to her because big boobies are hawt.

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