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Anyone please help??? Anyone speak spanish and english. ok i have a letter in english, but my ex boyfriend is spanish and i want to give it to him, but first i need help translating it to spanish. Can anyone please change it to spanish for me....thanks a bunch! *Shauna*


hey, well i gave you another letter but you either seemed not to care what was in it, or was scared to say anything. Well, I dont know what else to do, i have tried and tried to talk to you but you just dont seem like you are listening. I have asked you in the past if you wanted to be my boyfriend again, and you said "I dont know" or "Maybe"....what are the chances of that turning into a "Yes"? I need to know. I cant wait forever, but i am going to try to wait because i think that if we were to get back together it would be great for me and you both. Before you came to my house every night, or day. But now, if we were to get back together I wouldnt want you to have to avoid your friends and spend all your time with me, I would love it if you could make it to my house 2 or 3 times a week. That would be all i was asking for. when we broke up you didnt talk to me, but now it seems as if we are getting closer! I think there could be a chance. Somtimes i cry when i am home by myself or at night because i realized i lost the best thing that had ever happened to me, you may not think that of me, but i bet that i was a good girl to you. i just wish you would let me back into your heart and give this relationship another try. i look at pictures and think, we were meant to be. if we were to get back together i wouldnt talk to any other guys, thats how much you mean to me. Well i am going to end this letter now. i hope you take this to heart!

Love always,


P.S. Please let me know something...i need to know how you feel!

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me me !!! iknow english and spanish.. i'll do my best, but i guarantee the message you conveyed will remain the same.


you can get people to revise it.



Hola, bueno, te mandé otra carta pero al parecer no te importó su contenido o tuviste miedo de decir algo al respecto. No sé que más hacer. He tratado y tratado de hablar contigo, pero no parece que estás escuchando. Te he preguntado en el pasado que si quieres ser mi novio nuevamente y decías “No sé” o “Tal vez” ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de que eso se convierta en un “sí”? Necesito saber. No puedo esperar por siempre, pero voy a tratar porque creo que si estuviéramos juntos todo sería mejor para ambos. Antes solías venir a mi casa todas las noches o por el día. Si volviéramos a estar juntos no quisiera que evitaras a tus amigos y pasaras todo el tiempo conmigo. Me encantaría si pudieses visitarme a casa 2 ó 3 veces a la semana; eso es todo lo que te pediría. No me hablabas cuando nos dejamos, pero, ¡Ahora parece que nos estamos acercando! Creo que tenemos una oportunidad. A veces lloro cuando estoy sola en casa o en las noches porque me doy cuenta de que he perdido lo más importante que me ha sucedido. Tal vez no piensas eso de mí, pero apuesto a que yo era una buena muchacha contigo. Sólo deseo que me dejes entrar en tu corazón y que le des una oportunidad a nuestra relación. Miro fotos y pienso que fuimos hechos el uno para el otro. Si volviéramos a estar juntos, no hablaría con otros chicos; eso es para que veas cuánto significas para mí. Bueno, voy a terminar esta carta ya. Espero que cojas esto en serio; con el corazón.

Con mucho amor siempre,


PD. Por favor déjame saber algo... ¡Necesito saber cómo te sientes!



Look, i dont know what age are you. i wrote the letter and sorry that i comment on the content, but it has a very childish tone. This guy is obviously hinting you something... you sound a little obsessed. but oh well, thats just what i think. now send it cause i spent my time translating it...



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