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failed vegetarian.


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Well I went vegetarian for a couple weeks as I started martial arts. But today I told the chief instructor, and he laughed. I asked about how people in China are vegetarian, and he said they don't have near the strength as we do (in America I assume he was referencing). So with that out the window................he said I should eat meat at least once a day. I am a picky eater so I don't eat just any mean/creature. He said flexibility can be worked for in other ways, and glycene only found naturally in meat. Plus it is needed for daily muscle repair.



With me being 6.5' tall I was getting kinda weak, thus the topic arised when asking for energy foods.



But my mom said she was only able to do the splits in gymnastics when she was younger (flexibility) when she went vegetarian. I had a friend once years ago who was stronger than I was at the time, he said that vegetarians have 100% stronger bones. I thought that having meat stewing in our bodies might rot and not be as pure. I want to live long and be healthy. And not fart as much (less gas with vegetarian I found) but still...........I just didn't have the proper info to make the choice I did.


But cavemen needed meat to live, and we are omnivouric. Our intestines are so long though, it isn't designed for rapid digestion like carnivours. So if I limit red meat and go some seafood, is one meal a day (meat) necessary?


What about those HUGE jars of XXXXXXtreme protien powder to mix in the drinks like body builders do? I have the soy stuff. I drink soymilk along with whole (vitamin D) organic milk. I guess I should raise the other stuff so meat isn't the majority of my intake.


I am disappointed because I realized after doing this I wasn't attached to meat. But............just am rethinking things. I will probably be better off, but it seems depressing slightly at this time I am typing. Oh well. I suppose I was getting weak and tired from it.

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nothing wrong with not eating meat as long as you're getting your B12 vitamins (I think that's the one at least). You need your proteins too but you can get it from other sources. You're healthier without meat and don't face some of the common chronic health problems! Keep doing whatever YOU want to do.. just be smart about it.

I am not a vegetarian but I'm considering it, because I don't find any satisfaction of eating meat... plus it makes me sick a little.... Besides, I think eating dead animals is disgusting

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First, is it strength you want? I’m not sure of the style you are pursuing, but in martial arts speed and stamina as well as intelligence seem to win out over brute strength. Look at the Gracies and Bruce Lee, etc.


I am not a vegetarian, but I have limited meat in my diet. I’d argue that it is not completely unhealthy. All things in moderation (eating ½ pound burgers and 12oz steaks every day is probably not good!). That said, I am not up to date on all the talk of flexibility being enhanced by vegetarianism or strength being enhanced by eating meat: it sounds like junk science. Nutrition is nutrition and if you get those nutrients through supplements then so be it.


If you are getting ‘weak and tired’ from not eating meat, you should check to see that you are getting a balanced diet as Konfetkette mentioned.

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I'd say if you were to eat meat then go with the cleaner meats. It's more expensive sometimes but its well worth it. Todays beef, pork, and chicken is packed with bad stuff that i am sure we are not meant to ingest. I like buffalo, bear, deer, and rabbit. Healthiest meat there is

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^^ You eat bear? Really?!?!? Wow.


Anyway, yes you should eat red meat, unless you have some ethical reason not too. Also stay away from the "farmed" white meats if you can, as ED said, full of nasties.


Oh, Kangaroo is a GREAT red meat. Kinda like eating bear i suppose

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I am not 100% sure of your reasons for going vegetarian. Do you prefer not to eat meat, or was your choice solely for training?


I don't see why you can't be vegetarian should you want. "Provided a vegetarian diet is well balanced, it should provide all of the nutrients needed by the body throughout life." British Nutrition Foundation (BNF).


Your coach mentioned that protein is used in muscle repair and this is true, however you do not need to eat meat to get protein. "Protein from animal-derived food contains all of the amino-acids (protein ‘building-blocks') that the body needs, and so a vegetarian diet that includes milk or egg protein is likely to contain enough high quality protein." BNF. Eggs, milk, cheese etc. are easy ways to get protein without eating meat and they contain all of the amino-acids that the body needs.


You don't have to be eating red meat to get a good amount of protein, for example fish is a good source, typically containing about 15% to 20% protein , while milk, eggs, dairy products are also sources of good protein. Even plant foods can be combined to provide high quality protein. "Complementary combinations include:


* Pulses/rice – bean casserole and rice, dhal and rice

* Pulses/cereal - baked beans on toast

* Nuts/cereal – peanut butter sandwhich, nut roast" BHF


I think with care you can get a lot of protein through a vegetarian diet and again as said before protein from eggs and dairy (animal derived food) provides all the types of amino acids the body needs.

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I was vegetarian for ten years - sometimes vegan as well. Now I eat fish & poultry (though no red meats - I just simply won't!). But not everyday.


By the way I do yoga (have done so for years) and have never noticed my flexibility is "less" because I eat some meat and I do have more energy now overall than did when I was vegetarian (I am very active, and found it hard to get enough nutrients I needed). Sometimes people just can't do the same things anymore due to age, inactivity, changes in body due to childbirth, weight gain, joint issues.


I think it is more important you eat HEALTHY lean meats (opt for leaner cuts, more fish over t-bones and prime rib (though beef is fine if leaner - I just don't eat it).


As for bones & other things - vegetarians can be in very poor health. It all depends on what they eat. I know many vegetarians whom eat like crap - lots of processed foods, salt, fat. Vegans are at greater risk as they can be lacking B12 and calcium and iron unless they learn to properly get those nutrients (i.e. you cannot just eat salad and potatoes). Many vegetarians actually have weaker bones if they are not getting adequate calcium (be it by dairy or via certain greens like broccoli, etcetera).


It is only healthier if you make the right choices, and someone whom eats meat can be JUST as healthy if THEY make the right choices.


Protein shakes (whey protein) is good if you NEED the boost due to deficiencies or are building muscle, taking in TOO much protein though is just as bad as not enough.


Soy has its pros and cons....be careful and read up on it. It causes an increase or mimics estrogen production which studies have linked to prostate cancer and other things in men.


In sum, do what you want. Either way you can be healthy about it and neither is "healthier" than other as it all depends on what choices you make.

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^^ You eat bear? Really?!?!? Wow.


Anyway, yes you should eat red meat, unless you have some ethical reason not too. Also stay away from the "farmed" white meats if you can, as ED said, full of nasties.


Oh, Kangaroo is a GREAT red meat. Kinda like eating bear i suppose



Yes, i'd have to say it was one of the most delicious meats i have eaten. Nice and lean, slightly less spicy than a deer.. tender... mm mmm.

I believe it was a black bear actually, i can't testify for the Grizzly or brown bear. *shrug* lol

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