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what did he think i meant?


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Plllllsssssss help me!


if you started seeing someone but was afraid of being hurt and was offered a job abroad for 3 mnths so you broke up with him cos u were scared you didnt feel enough for him yet and he was fallin in love with u and you were confused with how u felt, and he kept askin to be able to wait for you while you were overseas but u kept sayin no cos u didnt wanna hurt him and had to get ur head together first but then u realized u did wanna be with him so you asked him to wait for you just b4 you left, ..


now if you were him would you think the girl was askin you to not be with her now but wait until she got back or would you think she was askin you back and just wanted to knwo if u would wait?????

i dont knwo if he understood what i meant! pls help what would u think?

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Hello there,


I understand you are leaving for a job overseas. I also understand that there is a young man there at home with you that you are confused about.


First of all, take a deep breath, now let it out. Ok, now, you seem to be mixed up about things. I think you've probably confused this guy with saying "no" when asked if he could wait for you. Now, you've decided he is worth the wait, and I think you should say that in so many words. Tell him that you want to be with him, but you are leaving and you need to know if he is still willing to wait.


Secondly, make sure that you have definitely made up your mind this time. There is no sense in leading him on, only to find out when you return that the wait was for nothing. It sounds like you have made up your mind, and I hope you will stick with this decision.


Best wishes.

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Best thing to do is lay it on the table. Tell him how you feel, and that you still have to go overseas. Don't try to decide for him if he should wait or not. If you care about him, tell him that. But make sure you let him have some decision about if he waits for you or not. If he cares for you a lot, he will probably have no problem waiting for 3 months until your return.


Best Wishes


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