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husband let 3 yr old son hold real gun


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I would absolutely never let my child hold a real gun. Not at 3 years old.


I have a 10 year old. He owns a BB Gun and he loves to shoot cans in the front yard, while being closely supervised of course.


Oh Im not totally closed minded, but it all comes with age and what the kid is ready for.


I will not own a gun in my house though.

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Too many children have died at the hands of a gun, playing because they thought they were cool. They should be taught to fear guns for the powerful deadly weapons they are until such time as they are old enough and mature enough to be shown proper usage and handling.


They should be taught to fear the guns?? So, say the kid grows up into an adult and is in a situation where his/her life is at risk and the only way to protect themselves is to pick up a gun.. But wait! They're so terrified of guns or they have no clue whatsoever how to use them properly that they're either going to A) get killed or seriously hurt because they're too scared to handle the gun for protection or B) kill themselves and possibly others because they don't know how to handle a gun properly.


and who is to say at what age is "appropiate"?



By no means and i'm tryin to strike a debate i'm just stating what and how I feel.

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If you are going to teach your children about gun safety and love of firearms do it at an appropriate age.


Would you think 14 was a good age?? I had a friend in highschool.


A friend who was female..


Another girl was threatening to kick her tail...


She went into her daddy's room and took the gun from his dressor that was always there.


She knew how to use it.


She had it in her front of her pants, safety unlocked.


She planned to murder that day.


Know what happened?


The gun went off shooting her in the stomach!


She killed herself!!!!


I wonder how her daddy feels now? I will never forget how I felt.


RIP Marissa


This could have happened to an adult. And I know you will be rather peeved by this comment, but she was going to murder with the gun anyways...'nuff said.


However, her intentions with the gun aside, if she had been taught about firearm responsibility she would have known to put the safety on. Thats just irresponsibility by her parents. The gun should not have been so readily accessible either.

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He shouldn't have let a 3 year old hold a gun, period. What is wrong with you people that think this is okay?



What is so wrong with him letting his 3 year old hold a gun?????????



I still haven't gotten the logic there.


In certain areas (where I live) it's NORMAL for kids at such a young age to be taught about guns. Hell, I was shooting guns by the time I was 4-5 years old with adult supervision and I am thankful for all the knowledge I have of guns today and I will allow my son to follow in my steps and if he's interested in learning about guns I will more than happily teach him the rights and wrongs at whatever age.


And must I add, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me.

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I would absolutely never let my child hold a real gun. Not at 3 years old.


I have a 10 year old. He owns a BB Gun and he loves to shoot cans in the front yard, while being closely supervised of course.


Oh Im not totally closed minded, but it all comes with age and what the kid is ready for.


I will not own a gun in my house though.


Hope no one ever invades your house, you may wish you had one.


People are too scared of guns.

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This could have happened to an adult. And I know you will be rather peeved by this comment, but she was going to murder with the gun anyways...'nuff said.


However, her intentions with the gun aside, if she had been taught about firearm responsibility she would have known to put the safety on. Thats just irresponsibility by her parents. The gun should not have been so readily accessible either.


I couldn't agree more.

A friend of mine's father shot & seriously injured himself when he was handling a gun because he had no idea what he was doing, and he was 43 at the time. So the whole thing about age is just BULL!. If a person (whether it be a 3 year old or a 40 year old) doesn't know how to properly handle a gun it's dangerous.


If a person is going to shoot up someone theyre going to do it regardless of whether they know how to handle a gun or not.

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HAHA! Your a mother, and you have to ask this question. So, suppose he get's a hold of that gun and blow your brains out, will you ask the same question.

NO! You'll be dead.


No, because i'm not that stupid.. All my guns are locked up and put away in a triple locked cabinet where my child can never get to them, that is what responsible gun owners do. If you knew anything, you would know that as well.

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Oh about your comments about people being too scared of guns.


The guns my family owns (no not in my house with my children thank you) are for hunting wild game. This is the purpose only.


Yes, I have shot a real gun before. I was aiming at a soda can thank you.


Mine are all for hunting as well. What difference is there?

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As much as I like to see both sides of the story, really, a three year old holding a gun is a VERY unsafe situation.


No matter how well the environment is controlled anything can happen. There are too many stories of people 'emptying' the gun but that one last bullet remained in the chamber & fatally wounding or killing someone.


Children at that age will not understand the difference between safety & a toy. They're going to want to try to copy their parents and worst of all if they are exposed to any TV shows and media using the weapon.


The way I see it, a knife, a gun, or even a stick of dynamite where children at that age would not understand the function & danger of such things should be kept away.

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