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POLL: A kiss on the hand?


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Ladies, would you mind if a guy who was attracted to you took your hand and kissed it, before parting ways? I think it's a very nice gesture and shows a lot of respect. It's one of the best ways to leave a conversation. Shaking hands is something "guys" do. And if a man you hardly knew tried to hug you or kiss your cheek, you would probably sock him in the eye.

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I like it if I know the guy or am close with him. Or if I like him too! Don't like just anyone to put their mouth on me.


That's the point. It would be someone you probably don't know. Someone who could for one second make you tingle, because you weren't expecting that. I think it helps build passion.


Then if you really don't like the guy, at least he was trying to be sweet.


But of course I can see where you are coming from about some "random" guy putting his filthy mouth on you. But would you really have a deep conversation with someone you really weren't interested in?


I'm talking about if the guy felt that there was a connection--would it be alright?

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People would bow and kiss the hands of royalty in monarch times. I don't think that we need to be bowing and reverring total strangers. I used to kiss my girlfriend's hand and she mine, but this was after we were in love and had been together a while. Not something I'd do before we even went on a date.


Exactly, it did happen in medieval times. So what's wrong with it now? I don't think it's anything but a simple kiss on the hand. Of course--if you weren't interested in someone like that they probably wouldn't even try.


I think it's an "direct" way of telling someone you are interested, but at the same time "indirect", because you don't have to speak.

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People would bow and kiss the hands of royalty in monarch times. I don't think that we need to be bowing and reverring total strangers. I used to kiss my girlfriend's hand and she mine, but this was after we were in love and had been together a while. Not something I'd do before we even went on a date.


We have a winner!

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That's the point. It would be someone you probably don't know. Someone who could for one second make you tingle, because you weren't expecting that. I think it helps build passion.


Then if you really don't like the guy, at least he was trying to be sweet.


But of course I can see where you are coming from about some "random" guy putting his filthy mouth on you. But would you really have a deep conversation with someone you really weren't interested in?


I'm talking about if the guy felt that there was a connection--would it be alright?


So were you asking a question in order to seek an answer or were you asking the question to assert your own view?

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So were you asking a question in order to seek an answer or were you asking the question to assert your own view?


A little bit of both. I don't care about what you think. Every one has their OWN opinions. I'm not here to coax anyone into BELIEVING what I believe in. My own boyfriend laughed at me when I told him my little "idea" on this topic.


What's with the aggressiveness?

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On a side note, when kissing a woman's hand, your lips should not touch her hand at all, but pause about an inch above, and there is no "puckering" like in a normal kiss. Done correctly, you are really bowing to her hand more than anything.


I don't do it often, but in the right context, it's funny and playful, exactly because of the cheesiness, but to do it as a "real" sign of affection? Never.

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uhhhhh...............maybe if you knew the woman......i would only do it with a GF not even someone i knew liked me or i liked them.


On a side note, when kissing a woman's hand, your lips should not touch her hand at all, but pause about an inch above, and there is no "puckering" like in a normal kiss. Done correctly, you are really bowing to her hand more than anything.


I don't do it often, but in the right context, it's funny and playful, exactly because of the cheesiness, but to do it as a "real" sign of affection? Never.


How sweet! I think that's so cute.

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A little bit of both. I don't care about what you think. Every one has their OWN opinions. I'm not here to coax anyone into BELIEVING what I believe in. My own boyfriend laughed at me when I told him my little "idea" on this topic.


What's with the aggressiveness?


I wasn't being aggressive, just clarifying because you posted a question but then challenged everyone whom posted opposite of what you wanted to hear.


And BTW everyone, jtanner isn't Mr. Class like he is pretending to be with this "kiss on the hand" thread. The guy just PMed me calling my fiancee ugly and other insults.

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I absolutely love it when my husband does it, he began to do it after we'd already fallen in love & been dating quite sometime...I think it's the ultimiate sign of adoration & respect.

BUT if some guy did it to me on the first or second date...or someone I'm only casual with (not in love with) i would find it a little violating...I don't want thier lips on my hands.. lol

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And BTW everyone, jtanner isn't Mr. Class like he is pretending to be with this "kiss on the hand" thread. The guy just PMed me calling my fiancee ugly and other insults.


What the..?!?!?! what a freak.


By the way, your fiancee is beautiful!

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