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Sexy v. Beautiful


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This is a silly question really. Beautiful can refer to the whole picture - looks, personality, everything. Sexy is a different category. Sexy isn't an appearance at all, it is an attitude, a set of actions, a way of moving.


It is possible to be both. If your b/f doesn't find you hot/sexy then he is probably referring to actions rather than looks.

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Beautiful. Of course you should always ask others opinion of how you look when you arent straddling them.. lol no offense but guys say ALOT of stuff when they are getting worked up.... i don't know, a similar situation happened with me and the HORRIBLE MONSTER of an ex that i have.. now everytime i think of when he said that i cringe...

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Beautiful. Of course you should always ask others opinion of how you look when you arent straddling them.. lol no offense but guys say ALOT of stuff when they are getting worked up.... i don't know, a similar situation happened with me and the HORRIBLE MONSTER of an ex that i have.. now everytime i think of when he said that i cringe...



Haha. I definitely don't make a habit of that! It's been about a year with him and I never ask him questions like that. I was a bit out of my mind that night/weekend. That was really embarrassing! He's always told me how stunning he thinks I am. Sometimes he just wants to hold me and look at me or I'll catch him watching me from afar. Usually, we're both sober and he knows he's not getting any action (we're in a public place or heading out the door). I believe he's sincere in what he says. We were talking yesterday and he he made a comment about how sexy I am and how it's ashame I'm so innocent. So I guess he does view me both ways. Regardless...


I think it's a bigger compliment to be called beautiful/breathtaking/stunning and I am always flattered when I hear that, but I think it's more necessary for a partner to find you sexy. To me beauty is more about physical appearance, but sexy is about personality and the way one carries oneself. I think that someone who is not classically beautiful can be very sexy. As a straight woman I often see other women I think are beautiful, but I am not sexually attracted to them. I don't think you can have a healthy relationship if your partner doesn't want you THAT way... no matter how much they enjoy looking at you.

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