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Sexy v. Beautiful


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Men: Would you rather be with someone sexy or someone beautiful? Do you look for one in a relationship and another in a fling?

Women: Would you rather be sexy or be beautiful?


In conversations with my guy friends and men I've dated I've been told that men categorize women different ways. There are women they aren't attracted to, cute women, sexy women, trashy women, and beautiful women.


I've been told that I have a cute personality, a sexy body, and a beautiful face. If asked to place me in only one category every man has said stunning/beautiful. While that is undoubtedly a nice compliment I'm wondering if that caused some problems with my ex.


My ex and I are still dating and although we hook up his desire for me is not as I'd like it to be. He still looks at me and tells me how beautiful I am all of the time. Something he said when we were together a few weeks ago is on my mind... I don't drink so when I had a couple of sips of his mojito it was enough to get me drunk. I was on top of him and we were hooking up and I asked him if I am the hottest girl he has ever dated (obviously I'd never ask that sober) - he replied that I am certainly the most beautiful. I asked him if he thinks I'm hot and he said when he looks at me all the can really think is that I am one of the most beautiful women in the world. He says I'm a 10, but he doesn't really think of me as hot.


Is it better to be sexy or beautiful?

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I've been told that I have a cute personality, a sexy body, and a beautiful face. If asked to place me in only one category every man has said stunning/beautiful.


That's some strange conversations you are having!!


Sexy or beautiful?....that's hard, each means different things for different people.


I'll plump for sexy.

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That's some strange conversations you are having!!


Sexy or beautiful?....that's hard, each means different things for different people.


I'll plump for sexy.



It usually starts with some mention of one of my close female friends or when I'm just out with a guy friend or a group of them. It is kind of strange now that I think about it, but it always seem to naturally go there. Hmmmm... maybe because I openly admit when another woman is attractive and encourage guy friends to approach them?

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It depends on who's saying it... but here's something to think about...


You'd likely have no problem saying that your mother is beautiful, but you'd likely be a little cautious about saying that your mom is sexy.


HA my mom is a very sexy lady. LOL She's hot. Even in her 50's. She doesn't look like an old lady.

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Okay, well, it's far less acceptable for a man to say that his mother is sexy




My son tells his friends he gets his hotness from his mom. He only says that because all of his friends flirt with me all the time. Poor kid, he looks just like his father. LOL But somehow he managed to be cute!

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Beautiful every time.



Sexy is all about sex...


Beautiful has no sexual connotations...


Someone who is beautiful is definitely sexy, but they've got something else going for them that overshadows it.


I think beauty has a bit more to do with someone's face...

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Beautiful every time.



Sexy is all about sex...


Beautiful has no sexual connotations...


Someone who is beautiful is definitely sexy, but they've got something else going for them that overshadows it.


I think beauty has a bit more to do with someone's face...


Well isn't it funny how two people can read a simple question so differently. I read this completely differently to you (not saying you are wrong or I am right).


I think "sexy" is more the whole package, may not be clasically beautiful but presents well, is fun to be with, flirtatious so the sexiness overcomes any lack of classic beauty.


Beauty I read to be just what the person looks like. Hopw classically beautiful are they.


See it will be different for everyone.

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Well isn't it funny how two people can read a simple question so differently. I read this completely differently to you (not saying you are wrong or I am right).


I think "sexy" is more the whole package, may not be clasically beautiful but presents well, is fun to be with, flirtatious so the sexiness overcomes any lack of classic beauty.


Beauty I read to be just what the person looks like. Hopw classically beautiful are they.


See it will be different for everyone.


I agree with your definition - only slight variation is some beautiful people can be both, but some not beautiful people can be sexy. If that makes sense.

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When the OP compared sexy to beautiful I figured they must have meant looks alone.


A girl I know had the most beautiful face... if she had worn a burlap sack around I would still have thought she was beautiful... but if she was wearing reavealing clothing or dressing sexy she'd be sexy and beautiful.


Some people can be sexy but not beautiful, I can't think of anyone that's beautiful but not sexy, though. All of that is opinion of course .

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Personally, from a female perspective, many guys who are "hot" (beautiful) are dull, they have always leaned on their looks to get them by so they have never molded their personality. (Not all hot guys are this way, I know, don't jump all over me)


I prefer a charismatic guy with a great sense of humour and adventure in the bedroom - that kind of guy becomes extremely sexy to me!


So, I'm all for SEXY!

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