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what to do?


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I am 21 y/o guy who recently started dating a girl who I have been friends with for a little over a year. In the past I have always known her as my friends girlfriend as they were living together and have a child together. He decided to break it off with her and they have been apart about 3 months. I have always been attracted to her and never expected such an opportunity. But is it really an opportunity or am I just losing a friend in this learning experience? It hasn't become serious between us but I feel that it would if I made the move and I have been doing everything possible to refrain which may be causing her to feel uneasy as well. I have been approaching this situation cautiously because although I like her very much I'm not wanting to make a decision that will break a friendship because typically I value that above all else. The plot thickens because my friend who was her boyfriend is now sleeping with her ex-best friend. Am I making a mistake to get involved even if I feel that we could be a match or should I accept it and try to make the best of this relationship behind my friends back because I know he would be upset if I asked for his approval beforehand. Any input is appreciated.

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  • 5 months later...

I say tell you friend and explain your feelings to him and tell him how you have delayed your willingness to enter this relationship with his ex.


I don't think he will care and if he did, he is not very nice. He does not own that girl and has no right to claim he does if they both agreed to the split.


Good luck.

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