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Hmm..........another wondering if and when....


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I am bored right now so I just went on eHarmony and filled out the compatibility profile, but there were no matches found within 30 miles of where I live (Southern CA) so I suppose I will not meet that 'perfect' someone. I dunno if that goes so far as to say I won't meet anyone that connects with me.


Anyway, it was free so what the heck. I have wondered from time to time if I was put on this earth, and no one wants me, so have pondered on what to do for the rest of my years. I realize girls like to be pursued, but I wasn't put on this earth to bother people, so I cant do that. I'm shy and quiet anyway.


I wonder if anyone has been to a tarrot. That is the one thing I haven't done. I guess someday I'll try it maybe.......I am just curious a little and bored.

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I think eharmony might not be the right site for you - it's more targeted at a slightly older crowd that's more marriage-minded. and of course, you can expand your area of your search.


i'd try some other sites, like match or okcupid, those might be more of your age range.


yes, i've gone to astrologers and tarot readers. one of them told me i would get married "later in life." i didn't ask him to elaborate, but i should have who knows what 'later in life' meant to him. Another astrologer told me i would have several children, so i couldn't have gotten married too late in life....

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Why is it people have to find some person or thing just to feel validated to exist????

Whether its "god" or "love"

How about you exist to make YOURSELF happy.. jeezus

How is it we lose ourselves in this game of life? The one person and thing that has been with you your entire life, the one thing you cannot give up on.. it the very thing you neglect the most because you keep looking for outside infulences and answers.. I don't get it?

You will be happiest when you realise that you dont need someone else to make you happy!

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When I was in my mid-teens, I went to a palm reader. She said I'd be married at 19 and I'd have 3 children, all boys.


What really happened: got diagnosed with PCOS at 27 (it would be very difficult -- if not impossible -- for me to have kids) and didn't get married until a few weeks after my 38th birthday.


I also spent a good chunk of time in my 20's hanging out/working for an astrologer and her "psychic friends" -- tarot readers, rune readers, psychometry readers, psychics, i ching, aura readers...any sort of "fortune telling" skill you can name, chances are good there was at least one in that crowd.


Great people, still in touch with a few of them. But as predictors of the future? I found seemingly throwaway lines in my journal better predictors of future events than their prognostications.


Do I still get readings? Yeah, every once in while...but I look at it the same way I look at going to the movies -- it's entertainment, nothing more.


I also agree with what annie said about eHarmony. Just from their advertising, I can tell they're aiming mostly for the 30+ crowd. Besides, that's just one site (and primarily a pay site at that)...that would exclude people who haven't heard of the site or don't have a computer or don't like computers or don't want to spend money to join and so forth.


Point being there are likely more single/available gals in your age range that AREN'T on that site than ARE. So, the fact that you didn't get any matches there isn't indicative of whether you will meet a potential partner or not...all it means is you won't meet a potential partner through that particular venue at this particular time.

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i don't know anybody that uses that website. within an entire 100 miles of where i live. nobody i know pretty much. actually, nobody i know uses online dating sites. a buddy of mine meets women from myspace or craigslist though. have yet to hear a success story from him though. anyways, don't you think 30 miles i a bit short of a distance?

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Why is it people have to find some person or thing just to feel validated to exist????

Whether its "god" or "love"

How about you exist to make YOURSELF happy.. jeezus

How is it we lose ourselves in this game of life? The one person and thing that has been with you your entire life, the one thing you cannot give up on.. it the very thing you neglect the most because you keep looking for outside infulences and answers.. I don't get it?

You will be happiest when you realise that you dont need someone else to make you happy!



Ok, maybe its too small of range.


I see your point, but it is natural feelings. Like cavemen 45,000 years ago felt the same way and I feel like my life alone is as insignificant as one of theirs (virgin caveman just died early on or something.) Poor guys.


I don't believe in love. I don't believe in existence. I don't believe in knowledge either. I have doubt. For the present time being.


Your right, I shouldnt be attached to or identified with the feelings of belonging or companionship.


I never knew any girls in highschool (friends or even hang out with) and still don't. I didn't have a reason to go to prom either. I didn't need to be there. I don't regret that choice. I thought it out enough to make the choice. I got along with everyone, but still the isolate feelings comeback.

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Your right, I shouldnt be attached to or identified with the feelings of belonging or companionship.


I never knew any girls in highschool (friends or even hang out with) and still don't. I didn't have a reason to go to prom either. I didn't need to be there. I don't regret that choice. I thought it out enough to make the choice. I got along with everyone, but still the isolate feelings comeback.


And they always will. But too many people use relationships as a crutch for their own shortcomings, they never learn anything about themselves that way.

Thats why we have battered wives and awful relationships, most people stay where they are at because they are afraid to be alone, and they need that feeling of belonging, so they ferment in bad situations.


So many people make the mistake of trying to justify their existence, you always hear "no one wants me, why am i even alive?" If you put any value on yourself and your life at all you wouldnt say that. This also goes for people who after a breakup they go straight to the next thing available and are on the prowl. Because they dont believe that their life is worth anything unless another person is involved. Its an awful and deep co-dependent behavior.

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when i get unbelieveable bored, i'll do an extra work out. nothing clears the mind better than straining muscles and grunitng.


you're only 18. Don't think so hard man. . . now is the time to just let it flow and live life. Eharmony really isn't aimed at people your age. Heck, at 18 you can hit on the gals at the coffee shop without worring about accidently asking a 17 year old out.

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I actually got a match recently. Only one.


I decided that I do oppose cyber relationship stuff, and am not gonna play the dumb games that eharmony does. I definitely would sound dumb or boring.


Conclusion: they will like the person as a whole, not opinions or talk or stuff. It is just characterizing. Plus neither of us have photos.


I definitely think it is a joke when it comes to dating. The internet could never do what nature does best.

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