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I Love You


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Hey, so ive been talking to this guy for a bit online (via webcam) and we are both the same age 17. We are both physically attracted to eachother and have said that quite a few times...hes even planning to come visit me soon..cause we both are into eachother. Recently, I noticed that hes been saying "I love you" during our chats... like (taken from our previous chats) :


Talk to you tomorrow. I love you!

God I love you so much

Love you...back in a little while.

Love you, bye.


I donno...usually when someone says i love u, its a big thing, so i donno...maybe he jsut says that , cause i highly doubt he really "loves me"


so yeah i donno...whats ur guys take on this...do guys usually say that? more like a love u as a friend, or..what...any feedback would be cool

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I'm sorry, but I think cyber relationships are a joke. Until you start spending time in person. It is in vain. Kinda a dumb way to spend your life. Vision is an important part of human sense data, but we are decieving ourself by doing this kinda stuff.


Lets put it this way, Evolution and the pair-bond didn't happen via the internet.............


Good luck though.

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you know, I think the cyber relationships are very intense...and i think you can def fall in love. Whether it's true love or not it's not clear. But you get to know each other just like you would in a bar or whatever....He is obviously into you. But sometimes I think guys say it wayyyy more easier than chicks...

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You can "fall in love" with the image you have in your mind of a person on the internet, but it's a false love. Heck, a heterosexual guy could "fall in love" with a guy on the other end and not even know it. You never know who you're talking to.


I wouldnt say that cyber relationships are a joke, but they are at best a means to an end, and by themselves, without a physical meeting, they cannot be considered meaningful, and might even be a total scam.

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While I wouldn't want to say its impossible to love someone you know only through online, I would say its very unlikely and much much more likely to be infatuation. But its still possible.


But if two people have such strong feelings, they should at least try to meet to see if there is anything real there. I think you'll discover sometimes that there isn't anything there. And then other times you might find something thats an even far stronger attraction than what you'd been expecting.


Be careful though, while its easy to think you know someone because you've been talking to them on the internet for months and months, you still only know the person they let you see. Its terribly simple to be dishonest on the web, and the person you think you're in love with could turn out to be an entirely different person in reality.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm sorry, but I think cyber relationships are a joke. Until you start spending time in person. It is in vain. Kinda a dumb way to spend your life. Vision is an important part of human sense data, but we are decieving ourself by doing this kinda stuff.


Lets put it this way, Evolution and the pair-bond didn't happen via the internet.............


Good luck though.



But the internet is successfully bringing people together, and if that results in offspring then cyberspace will have a direct impact on evolution and pair-bonding.

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I agree that on the internet you can form very VERY close bonds with somoene and it is an excellent way of getting to know people. However people can HIDe behind their computer screens and keyboard and be someone there not and it is not until you actually meet and spend proper time together and experience the ups and downs of a proper face to face relationship that anyone will know how they truly feel.


If a guy I had never met before told me he loved me i would be freaked out and also would worry about him a lot. Love is not to be taken lightly and it seems to me like either he is just being immature and using that to get whatever he wants, or he actually does think he loves you after only speaking online. Both of these things are a concern and you need to speak to him honestly and openly.


Be very wary and careful when you do meet up, make sure people know where u are and also have a friend or someone close by if you can...

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I'm sorry, but I think cyber relationships are a joke. Until you start spending time in person. It is in vain. Kinda a dumb way to spend your life. Vision is an important part of human sense data, but we are decieving ourself by doing this kinda stuff.


Lets put it this way, Evolution and the pair-bond didn't happen via the internet.............


Good luck though.



keen observation

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