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Pointless thoughts.....


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I’m a virgin so I constantly doubt love and sex. We all die. A lot of people get married and have children. But does it or could it have meaning….There is pleasure and pain in life. The average person has several partners, but from a neutral point of view, what is there to achieve? Is it to reproduce? Is it a fruit of the relationship? What is the final cause? Bear with me, I am tired of thinking about it, but I can’t stop. This could go on forever… Intense. I dunno. Same ole stuff you could expect from me.


I will meditate and listen to hardcore sitar music to align myself with the Way (Tao), and attain deep contemplation. I’m gonna do hardcore stuff just because I want to be kinda more a hardcore person.

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For me, sex is a way of intimate communication- and without the aspect of reproduction, this by itself is the goal in a relationship. It is a form of bonding if you want, but in a way that is special to the two people involved.


Why are you so much focused on being a virgin? You are only 18, it's totally normal in my view (I was 20 when I had my first time- which was with a long term bf). Do you feel there may be little point in having sex, have you ever met someone you wanted to have an intimate connection with,... ?


I am not sure what 'scene' you mean by hardcore (if you mean straight edge I do, though, my bf used to be straight edge when he was younger). It is part of the reason that I was his first gf (he was 30 when we started going out)- he has strong principles about intimacy.

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Well, i think the whole point of sex is about intimate bonding between two people. The reason we were designed to make it pleasurable is so that we breed. It is a biological instinct for survival of our gene pool and ultimately our species. That last bit sounds a bit, off, but at the end of the day we are simply animals that breed to survive. I am a virgin too, but still enjoy the pleasure of sexual activity.

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Why, link removed is 42! (If google says it, it must be true!)


Well I'm gay and I'm pretty sure that I can't reproduce with another dude (although I've been having a lot of fun trying), so like me having fun doing the impossible - maybe we're all just meant to try and make whatever we can out of things

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If every human being became celibate, we would quickly die off as a race.


It is completely normal to think about sex on a regular basis, especially when you are on the younger side of the spectrum. I don't know how old you are, but you sound way too young to be contemplating the future of your sex life.


Take in life for what it is - right here, right now. If you worry to much about what you are missing, then you will forget the value of what you had before you started worrying.


But do let these thoughts come and go. They are only natural.

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Thanks all. I always think about how it doesn't matter one way or another. Its like that evolution song by korn. Its just nature. Its just there but doesn't matter. It is more nihilistic to me right now. I desire, and go forth to try and attain that direction, but no success yet.

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Once I'd hit puberty, I didn't have any sexual experiences (not even kissing anyone) until I was 19, and nothing "major" until I was 20. I didn't really think about it a lot beyond my usual "relieving tension" sessions, sex was just something other people did. One day I figured it out, and here I go. Now it just ain't such a big deal.

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I think sex is what we were meant to do, we are only animals. Today we have sex for recreation but i think on a deep subconscious level it is still fuffilling to do the act because it resembles our primary purpose in life, and that is satisfying enough.

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Ya, I have a good Idea on its function and how people think about it. But I am looking for something more. I guess there is only so much that sex is. It has finite depth. Its not like philosophy I guess. I asked people on a philosophy forum, and the stuff I could understand convey the same thing. Some said it is just intense and good, and that is all that can be related by words.

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When i was a virgin i too looked for a more profound meaning to sex, but really its no different than when you see two dogs humping.

Physical stimulation. You have sex with someone you love, then its you two releasing eachothers endorphines. Yes there is such a thing as making love, and i have done it.. thats where you get the more romantic feelings while you are doing it, you realise that he is the only person you want to share your body with and he is pleasing you in a way that no one else can.. but lusty sex feels better. It's all about endorphines.

Sex is no different than eating, you are doing it, you enjoy it, and it leaves you feeling quite nice and sleepy afterwards... but it is every bit as natural feeling as eating. Thats how i felt my first time...

Either way sex is freaking wonderful.. masterbation can't compare.

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