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alright...time for jen to lose weight...my goal is 30-50lbs..no time-frame, really. I'd also like to cut back on eating as little meat as possible. absolutely no red meats. I'll eat chicken stock, POSSIBLY beef stock if it's unavoidable... as for eating poultry, I'm going to try not to... I want to continue to eat tuna for it's protein value.


I'm going to post here for what I eat everyday, just to get a visual idea of what I'm taking in. We shall see how long this lasts

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Wednesday, November 28


Lunch (4pm):

1Cup of my bean-rice-corn mixture (recipe below)

1 Flour tortilla (about 8")

1Tb Sour Cream


Snack (6pm):

1 medium sized orange, peeled.


Dinner (9pm):

Tuna salad mix (recipe below)

1 Flour tortilla

2Tsp yellow mustard


Late-night snack (1am)

1Cup bean-rice-corn mix


Beverages consumed throughout the day:

2-22oz diet pepsi

1-16oz glass of water

1-small can red bull

1-12oz glass kool-aid (sweetened with splenda)




Bean-Rice-Corn Mix:

1 Can black beans, rinsed

1 Can corn, drained

1 Can (15oz) Tomato sauce

1 1/2 Cups long-grained brown rice

1/2 Cup onion

1Tb Extra Virgin Olive Oil



Tuna Salad:

1 Can tuna, drained

1/2 stalk celery, finely chopped

2tb chopped dill pickle

1tsp mayo

1 1/2 Tb spicy brown mustard



Hmm...not bad for the day, eh?

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Not bad at all Jen. Good luck!


One thing: I am not sure what your day looks like but I hear eating breakfast actually helps regulate your weight.


I think it's a good idea to eat lots of fish!


If you are NOT a strict vegetarian, I've also heard that you should try to eat red meat once in a while bc the type of protein it contains can't be really replaced w/ soy products or poultry/fish, etc.


Lol, I bet you know this already, dontcha, since you're a chef and all?


Cheers to you!



Hmm, yeah, eating breakfast would be good, but my schedule is sooo off. I don't usually get up til around noon (I work til 1am and don't get to bed til 3ish), so my "lunch" really is breakfast!


I actually didn't know that about red meat! Thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind!

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Thursday, November 29



1Cup of my bean-rice-corn stuff

1Flour tortilla

1TB sour cream


Random snack:

1/8 cup chocolate mousse that I made (hey, i had to try it!!!) which consisted of:

egg whites

egg yolks


semi-sweet chocolate

heavy whipping cream (ouch)




1 Can of tuna with diced pickle and spicy brown mustard with 8 saltines



4 12oz miller lites...

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have you gone to link removed ? you can input all your food, and see your caloric and nutritional intake. it's very good.


i'm eating these whole-wheat, low fat, low carb tortillas. normal tortillas can have so many calories!


are they decent tasting, though??? I've had whole-wheat tortillas that just taste like cardboard...

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yeah, i was just thinking soup...i make some awesome ones...


I've been good all weekend and i can already tell that I'm trimming up a bit!!! My waistline is a bit smaller...


Plus, by not eating anythign fried, i see my skin has gotten healthier as well.. I used to eat a LOT of fried food (I cook in a bar)...cutting that out has been a lifesaver.


Today, instead of meat, I opted for tofu and whole-grain pasta for lunch out with a friend (she was impressed )


For dinner, i had a bunch of cooked cauliflower with garlic salt and my bean and corn mix, but i left out the rice because of the calorie content...


I was bad though--my roommate made cake and i had to take a piece. so good. so worth it.

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Cool thread. It motivates me to get back on track with my diet and keep of my pounds before I start gaining them back, especially after reading about the fact you cut down on fried stuff and the benefits. Reminds me of myself right now and when I saw the benefits of raw food/veggies/fruits during my last healthy eating "diet".

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I was shocked how fast my skin cleared up...not to mention how fast i noticed a bit of weight gone...

I have PCOS and it's VERY hard to lose weight so for me seeing a result so fast is a big deal and a big motivator(er?)


It's going to be tricky with the holiday coming up, but i figured if i didnt do it now, i wouldn't come january

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oooh, good job! nothing wrong with a slice of cake from time to time either.... if you are deprived, you're not going to stick with it....


That's true...if i crave and crave and don't let myself have...I'll wind up just cracking and binging

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Today I decided to make something different, instead of my bean thing...


I know I said I was going to cut out meat, but I found a package of ground beef in my freezer and couldn't bear to think of a little cow dying for nothing...

So I made beef veggie barley soup


It contained:

1 lb super lean ground beef

1/2 C medium barley

1 can corn, with the water they were in

1 can green beans, with the water they were in

1/3 bag baby carrots

1 onion

2 stalks celery

probably too much beef bouillon (i love salt)

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