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So my ex gf is dating a guy from the World of Warcraft


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People can really love eachother over internet, I know it's possible it isn't as funny as you think.

On the other hand you said she cheated on him and he already knew about it and you wonder why is he still dating with her, but who knows maybe the guy she met also cheats on her and he thinks it's cool and that's why he doesn't tell her anything nor leaves her, kinda twisted I guess.

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Man, I'm not even joking when I say that I know 4 couples that met on WoW.


Couple 1: Married for 3 years, just had a baby.


Couple 2: Got married last year.


Couple 3: Boyfriend moved from Seattle to Canada to live with his girlfriend.


Couple 4: The live in the same area and they're still dating, its been like 1 year or something now.


I actually met some friends off WoW too, me and this girl who lived in Ohio meet up every now and then to hang out. She spends a week at my house or I'll spend some at hers. I just had to do it because I was talking to her over the net for so long we decided to take our friendship to the next step. Now we're good friends and I talk to her at least once a week. I like the idea of having friends from all over the place, I don't want to limit myself, there's great people everywhere!

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Oh, im sorry I didn't even know about how you were in the process of not letting go. I didn't really mean to insult you, I just thought it was kind of harsh the way you implied what she was doing as pathetic. I'm really sorry. I meant no offence to you. I know I don't know anything about you, and I guess my mouth got carried away without consulting my mind. Anyways, sorry again! I really didn't mean any offence. I take back what I said about you being pathetic!!! Oh, and like me, you as well don't know anything about me. I am not involved in any "quest for love in the cyber world", and even if I were, I don't think I would be pathetic, well I hope not atleast.


Anyways lol, sorry sorry sorry!

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I agree with those who have said that it really isn't any big deal.


I personally have a handful of friends near me who I met originally online, in a game. Where you meet doesn't matter.... it's where you end up that counts. A relationship can't be complete if it stays ONLY in game, but it certainly can start that way. People do a lot of talking and laughing in those games... they can *click* with each other. And because it is in a game, they already know that they have at least one interest in common.


As with any relationship, the real issues are going to be honesty and fidelity. THAT is the problem here.... not where they met.

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Haha I find this hilarious, my ex gf went from me to dating a guy online that she met in the game World of Warcraft. It's pretty sad, they both say they are each others love of their life, play 12 hours a day together, talk over the microphone, and have plans of meeting up.


Also my ex gf has already cheated on him with another guy for a couple of weeks and some good random sex. What makes things even more fun is that he knows about it, was shattered, and is still dating her online.


Man what has this world come to?


Thoughts opinions?













you is much better off without her dood, thats sad for her, i must say so myself. why she cheat on you? your charecter wasent as powerful as his? you werent on the level that he was? his charecter has more skills


ok let me stop...i dont mean to make fun of this really.

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you is much better off without her dood, thats sad for her, i must say so myself. why she cheat on you? your charecter wasent as powerful as his? you werent on the level that he was? his charecter has more skills


ok let me stop...i dont mean to make fun of this really.



lol nice. my character was by far more powerful, Im the best geared tank on my server on my factions side. Anyways, I think what it was is his 24/7 attention and availability to her online, constant running around after her, helping her with quests, doing pretty much anything in game that she asks that won her over. It's funny because she always used to tell me how much more he helps her in game then me. Yet again, thats so sad

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