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So my ex gf is dating a guy from the World of Warcraft


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Haha I find this hilarious, my ex gf went from me to dating a guy online that she met in the game World of Warcraft. It's pretty sad, they both say they are each others love of their life, play 12 hours a day together, talk over the microphone, and have plans of meeting up.


Also my ex gf has already cheated on him with another guy for a couple of weeks and some good random sex. What makes things even more fun is that he knows about it, was shattered, and is still dating her online.


Man what has this world come to?


Thoughts opinions?

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Mine not only is dating a guy she met in WoW, but they have met, had sex, have plans for him to move here and live together, and they "love each other madly".


Its pretty sad actually, all my efforts over the past 6 months to reconcile mean nothing for a man who lives 1400 miles away.

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Happened to me too. What really sucks is I encouraged her to play with me. Then we had a falling out and she started dating one of the guys in the Game. He's transferring schools to be near her.


It's a really stupid situation - especially when they don't live near by. Just have faith that the fact they only see each other a few days here and there doesn't make for a healthy relationship. When they actually start spending time together I highly doubt it'll work out.



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I know a couple that met this way and ended up getting married, having a child, and it looks good that they'll be together for the rest of their lives.


I understand the laughter from some people about relationships like this ... but ... how is it any different then any other long-distance relationship? How is meeting someone online in a game any different then running into them at a ballgame somewhere and finding out they live a ways away? ... or meeting someone in a sewing class, or at the gym, or on the beach when you're on some lavish vacation?


Back 'in the day' before emails and the internet and cheap telephone service people used to court back and forth via postal letter. Basically you could fall in love with your pen-pal.

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Never underestimate the power and hold cyber sx and realtionships have on people.


It seems strange and yeah, we say they are not real relationships because for the most part they aren't, but they get a VERY strong hold on people and people have left families because of strangers they never met on the Net.


It can be very powerful. I think in a lot of ways it is an addiction to some type of thrill of not knowing what someone will type next...not sure.

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I find that hilarious...What I find even more hilarious is the shame you must feel having lost a GF(which you obviously still care for if you're interested enough to find out what shes doing/who shes "dating") to some dorito-loving-world-of-warcrafter...Man if my GF ever left me from some WoW guy i'd be ashamed and never speak of it. Unless of course the WoW guy was a Tier 6 Warlock...Then i'd ask for threesomes with them both.


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I find that hilarious...What I find even more hilarious is the shame you must feel having lost a GF(which you obviously still care for if you're interested enough to find out what shes doing/who shes "dating") to some dorito-loving-world-of-warcrafter...Man if my GF ever left me from some WoW guy i'd be ashamed and never speak of it. Unless of course the WoW guy was a Tier 6 Warlock...Then i'd ask for threesomes with them both.



dude..........warlocks are so OP

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Dunno about you, but when someone becomes an "ex," I generally don't waste anymore of my time, energy, interest on them.


I have better things to do. Like level my Dranei Hunter.


In all seriousness, though, I'd say someone who routinely spends 12 hours a day on the game either has or is developing some dandy addiction issues. Not something you really wanna deal with.

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Also my ex gf has already cheated on him with another guy for a couple of weeks and some good random sex. What makes things even more fun is that he knows about it, was shattered, and is still dating her online.


Man what has this world come to?



I think they both believe its real because WoW can do that to you, u feel whatever u do in the real world doesn’t affect your virtual self. I don’t believe in such relationships.


I think playing WoW is more of a phase imo. I played wow for about a year. Every time I heard a girl speak on vent I automatically imagined she was ugly. I guess they can say the same for us guys playing as well. lol

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Yeah I HATE locks...Well affliction locks...My shadow priest eats them up though.


Dunno about you, but when someone becomes an "ex," I generally don't waste anymore of my time, energy, interest on them.


I have better things to do. Like level my Dranei Hunter.


In all seriousness, though, I'd say someone who routinely spends 12 hours a day on the game either has or is developing some dandy addiction issues. Not something you really wanna deal with.


i think we need our own section of the board


btw...Horde FTW!!!

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For the all the people saying Im paying alot of attention to my ex, this was all about a month and a half ago where I still cared (sort of). I don't anymore and find the whole thing hilarious, that is why I am just sharing this bit and piece of information with the online community. As for how I find these things out, she still plays on my server and alot of people from my guild still talk to her, so I get random tid bits here and there and puzzle things out, but I never do any detective stuff since I don't care.


She also just had her online guy pay 3500 gold for her to get gladiator rank from a team in my guild that sells points. I just sort of feel like locking and deleting her account since I know her secret question muahaha, that would be funny, get a 310 % mount in the mail, log in, destroy it, send gold to self, delete char, oh man I can't wait to hear the drama and QQ on vent.


There is nothing wrong with long distance relationships, but the people initially met in real life at some point and decided they liked each other so much that they held long distance contact etc. The difference with an online WoW relationship is that you have never met the person in real life, also you take in game help as a sign of good will from the person giving it. I never gave a * * * * about running my ex through instances etc, this guy is her personal minion, she compares his in game attention as a greater and more important thing then what I did for her in real life lol. Also she said he was the "one for her" which is the exact thing she said about me with the difference that she never actually met him which leads me to believe she is mentally unstable and insane saying that about a person she does not even know. Anywaysssss lol


Last I heard he actually flew down here for a week and stayed at her place with her dad.


And ya I hate warlocks so OP

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What's so bad about dating people you met in an online game? It's just another way to meet people, just an unusual way.


Whats bad about it is that people are becoming so socially non compliable that they have to resort to meeting people in online games. My gf had/has no life and the game is the world for her. She has no job, no schooling, she doesnt know how to take the bus. Do you think for a person in her situation, it is healthy to be having an online relationship with a person 2000 miles away and treating each others emotions in game as real life empathy? lol please give me a break

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Y'know, lavalamp, that'd be way too much (potential) drama for me to even witness from the sidelines.


There's plenty of cool people to hang with in game...if it was me, I'd either be switching guilds or servers and finding some new questing partners. Heck, for a while my hubby and I (we both play) were switching guilds on a weekly basis trying to find one that didn't have that sort of crap going on. At 32 and 43, we're a bit too old and tired to be hearing about twuuuueeeee luuuuuv doing something we're doing for entertainment and a break from reality, y'know?


I realize this doesn't work for everyone, but it has worked just fine for me: When a relationship is over, I'm out. The ex does not exist in my world anymore, period, end of sentence. Kinda hard to do that if you're still frequenting the same (virtual) places. Some folks are ok with that sort of thing, but I've never understood it.


I'ma go back to leveling my Dranei now.

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Whats bad about it is that people are becoming so socially non compliable that they have to resort to meeting people in online games. My gf had/has no life and the game is the world for her. She has no job, no schooling, she doesnt know how to take the bus. Do you think for a person in her situation, it is healthy to be having an online relationship with a person 2000 miles away and treating each others emotions in game as real life empathy? lol please give me a break


Well I was talking about people who play and have some kind of life. I mean if you meet someone while playing on a cold, rainy day.. good for you! But yeah what you described is pretty bad.

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Yup I believe in the zero contact theory also and have pretty much blocked all her phone numbers, emails, in game contact etc. The only thing that is left is her presense on the server. Although we have no direct contact with each other, I hear about her all the time from others. I was thinking about transfering servers, but why should I be the one to leave? I am a main tank position in my guild and everyone knows me, she should be the one to go, but Im not about to start a you go or I go war. I think I might quit the game all together pretty soon and maybe if I don't in the expasion transfer servers and move on.


I just really feel sad the world has come to this, I thought ppl would have a bit more oil in their head.

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I just really feel sad the world has come to this, I thought ppl would have a bit more oil in their head.


Nah, people have always been (for lack of a better word or more tactful way of saying it) stupid. Always. Long before you were born, long before I was born, there was stupidity. Times change, and we find new ways of being stupid, but stupid itself has been going on since the dawn of time. It will go on long after you and I leave this life, too.


That's all that'll be left at the end of the world: Cher, cockroaches & stupidity.

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I know a couple that met this way and ended up getting married, having a child, and it looks good that they'll be together for the rest of their lives.


I understand the laughter from some people about relationships like this ... but ... how is it any different then any other long-distance relationship? How is meeting someone online in a game any different then running into them at a ballgame somewhere and finding out they live a ways away? ... or meeting someone in a sewing class, or at the gym, or on the beach when you're on some lavish vacation?


Back 'in the day' before emails and the internet and cheap telephone service people used to court back and forth via postal letter. Basically you could fall in love with your pen-pal.


I agree. I have a friend who married a guy she met online and they loved each other so much that they met, got married and have been with each other for over 6 years. Also, a lot of people say that you can find out more about a person and what they're made of online than in person because they open up more which in my opinion is very true.

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I dont find online dating stupid at all. Afterall, thats where I found my husband. We met in a chatroom many years back. In the beginning, we would only chat once in a while but over time we began to chat more and more. It was only a year and a half into the relationship where I realized he would always be in my life and I would always be in his. So, we devised a plan to meet eachother and it happened. When I saw him I was so excited as was he. He approached me like he had known me forever. Took me in his arms and that is when I knew he was for sure made to be mine. We had a great chemistry between us and nothing was different he was exactly the same as how he had acted online.


So, I guess what Im trying to say is that there are people who find the love of their life online whether or not you want to believe that.

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