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Men in uniform


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Even though I can't lay it out in my head, I know that the only reason these chicks comment that I'm cute and act as though they like me (which is trivial and not too constant) and engage conversation with me, is because of my Uniform (security). There have been an unexpected amount of unconcealed compliments of cuteness and stuff, and I know that if it were geniune, they wouldn't talk to me, even if I walked by. I dunno, my ego is being stroked, but I know it doesn't apply to outside those selected situations at the workplace. Economics are dumb. Most of it is just straigt out raw talking, and hardly,barely,none of the goo goo ga ga flirting. It is unforeseen to me. I never would have predicted it. But it isn't consistant enough or frequent to be real. Plus I can't converse very long, for it will get me in trouble, and am on the move a bunch. Plus they don't continue the conversation past a certain point, so I leave after a minute.


Outside, I am a normal guy, and thus they don't/haven't talked to me.


What is it that makes men easier to approach? Is it the authority or social status that the uniform implies? That is evolutionary stuff. But they don't pull that crap with cops. Yet cops all have wives.


Anyway, nothing will materialize I think. Cause I am one in a sea of many people. I like being quiet and humble and not working. But it is impossible to not get noticed at work. I am always on the move and I guess appear confident. That is one quality that is improving, but if it is based on these decently/rather attractive girls I never thought would ever notice me, then is it false confidence? I feel I am being molded in to the egotistic world, which is dumb and comprimises philosophy.


Just wondering how this aspect is.

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As a woman who will melt over a man in uniform (I dated a marine and I wished he could have worn his Dress Blues every day!), I will tell you that, for me, the turn-on/attraction lies in what the uniform represents: discipline, respect, pride, stoicism, and a take-charge/no-nonsense attitude.

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Men that are in Uniform are A____ Holes especially if they are in the Army!


From what I've seen, actually, a lot of military men are very devoted husbands and fathers; I've actually seen more military men get taken advantage of by selfish women than the other way around.

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I really dig a woman in a uniform, my favorite is the french maid uniform. Others that are nice include the cheerleading uniform, the catholic school uniform and the lingerie model uniform. Nothing like a woman in uniform, so it runs both ways


sorry, really bored at work

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As a woman who will melt over a man in uniform (I dated a marine and I wished he could have worn his Dress Blues every day!), I will tell you that, for me, the turn-on/attraction lies in what the uniform represents: discipline, respect, pride, stoicism, and a take-charge/no-nonsense attitude.



I totally agree, I think it has a lot to do with what the uniform represents.

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I dunno what it is about the uniform. I have worn four different uniforms over the years (different divisions of the same job) and it has been different for each. The more authoritative colors like black and other dark colors seem to do it for people. My ex-gf said that when I put on a certain uniform once she wanted me to take it right off lol. I've been hit on alot in uniform but mostly by drunk chicks.


I do agree in thinking it's probably the attitudes that get associated with it. When I put on the uniform, I dont become a different person, but I do flip a mental switch that won't back down for anything.


I have noticed that in the summer, you get more notice. Maybe this has to do with the short sleeves which show off my arms but I dunno...

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