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Guy's dont laugh, this really bugs me


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This is a good point, would you expect her to behave the same for you?

If i had like 3 testicles or 2 penis' and was getting one removed type of thing or if my penis was 2 feet long and it was getting a reduction? I'd expect her to feel the same i do.

1) She'll either like it or wont like it.

2) She doesn't like it but loves me and supports me anyways

3) Questions it for a while but accepts it

4) Can't accept it and relationship ends

5) Doesn't care and supports me either way

Not sure how likely 1-5 is but she would feel the way she feels, thats human nature.

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If i had like 3 testicles or 2 penis' and was getting one removed type of thing or if my penis was 2 feet long and it was getting a reduction? I'd expect her to feel the same i do.

1) She'll either like it or wont like it.

2) She doesn't like it but loves me and supports me anyways

3) Questions it for a while but accepts it

4) Can't accept it and relationship ends

5) Doesn't care and supports me either way

Not sure how likely 1-5 is but she would feel the way she feels, thats human nature.


So now, are you just trying to figure out where you are on this spectrum?

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I have a size A and a size C and the guy Im seeing doesnt care a bit. When I told him he said "I will love them both and show no favouritism" When he saw the little one he said "Its a cute little one".


He hasnt said a word about it since. Before this I had a big anxiety about it. More men should be like this.

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Before this I had a big anxiety about it

My girlfriend seems to have been in the same boat as you. When she was trying to tell me about her surgery she kept saying "It will be very awkward for me to tell you". Now that she's had them adjusted, from your view chocolates would you say my best action would be with regards to telling her how i feel about it. If at all telling her.

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My girlfriend seems to have been in the same boat as you. When she was trying to tell me about her surgery she kept saying "It will be very awkward for me to tell you". Now that she's had them adjusted, from your view chocolates would you say my best action would be with regards to telling her how i feel about it. If at all telling her.


How does your girlfriend feel about her boobs now? (answer this and I will be able to advise you on what to do from now)

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All she's really said about it so far is "Yes, it's still sore", "I don't know how many stitches, the waterproof tape is still on" and when i asked her how her if her shirts fit better she said "YES!!!! They certainly do She was pretty happy about it. Just talking about it on this thread tonight has made me feel better about her surgery.

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If I was in the shoes of your girlfriend I would get the surgery too, It may not matter to you that her boobs were uneven but it was bothering her, in that case what she wanted was important not what you wanted, it is her body and if that uneven sight was bothering her she had all the rights to change. You would want her to be happy right? So you better accept her like that, she is the same girl you were with all along, she is not all about boobs I'm sure there are so many other things you like about her.

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If she is happy about it, then really you shouldnt say how you feel. In fact, in any case i think the way you feel about it is a problem she doesnt need. Breast surgery is risky, and I dont think it would have been something she took on lightly.


So to get over the way you feel, I guess you just have to stop thinkiing about the surgery as something gross. Start thinking about how SHE is feeling. Like , that she is going to feel more confident , sexy , happy , less self conscious, etc and think about how THAT will make YOU happy, - the fact that SHE is happy.


The surgery is not so much about "breasts' as self confidence I think. I'm sure her breasts were "acceptable" before- but she needed the surgery for her own self confidence.


The scars will fade and so will this whole episode in time. Just give it time, and try to focus on how she is feeling , emotionally and physically, and take the focus off yourself.

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Well..from what you've said...sounds like you really love her... I know it sounds fake and things to get surgery..but she didn't do it for looks...well maybe a bit of it..but mainly its for self assurance.. for her to feel safe and confident in her own skin...



What I think you should do... is tell her how great she looks..think about how happy she is coz she now probably feels 'normal'

tell her you love her no matter what..and shes beautiful either way..


Implants wont change her..shes still going to love you.. and you will her..

be proud...that you can wear her on your arm with her being a 100% confident and proud too..


Im sure your love for her is real... and we all know.. in the end.. real > fake

so there ya go


Best of luck !!!

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she is not all about boobs I'm sure there are so many other things you like about her.

Yeah now that i think about it boobs are very common. Every girl has pair of boobs. A little thing like evening them out shouldn't matter at all. Thanks everyone, I'm feeling much better about it now. But here's my question. Think it would be appropriate to ask her "Can i see?" with out feeling like I'm putting pressure on her. Earlier i was asking her how many stitches but she didn't know because the tape was covering it. Tapes gone now, and her mom counted for her because of me and said she had 8 stitches. Curiosity is, my girlfriend has a cut with 8 stitches holding it together and I'm curious as hell to see what it looks like.
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how is she not making a reasonable comparison?!?


Because the conditions she is referring to are not new. They have been there since day one.


I won't ride the OP because I know that sometimes we feel things we can't help or control. I believe the OP would give anything not to feel the way he is feeling right now. He knows cognitively it is wrong, but emotionally he is having a hard time controlling it.


I do think it will probably pass over time and get less problematic so I wouldn't suggest telling her about the fears right now.

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  • 10 months later...

Well, well. It's been a long time since anyone posted on this thread. Care for an update anyone? The surgon screwed up and her implant didn't settle in the right place, and it got infected. Surgon had to open her up, pull out the implant, clean out the 'pocket' that her body made around the implant (there was bacteria and such in it), and then put in a new implant and hope this one settles where it should. That was around May i think. Cant really feel a difference, of course the new boob feels more firm then the oigional one. It gives a bit of a different feel while fooling around with eachother. It's weird, i like the origional one more but i find my hand is resting on the new one more often. I dont know.


So yeah, if any one else out there is/was in the same boat as i was. Trust in most of the advice on this post and from personal experience. I got over it, so can you.


Long distance though. Man.... Thats a completely different challenge to overcome. I HATE IT!! Hope we make it through. Maybe if i got a car to visit her more often it would help a LOT. Hrmmmm...

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It seems that problem with this surgery happens a lot. I have heard of more than a few women who got implants who had to go back and have one of them redone due to the not settling right and getting infected. GEESH that if no other reason would be enough to keep me from doing it. I can't imagine how horrible it must feel to have to go back AGAIN after getting thru it once.

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  • 3 months later...

I guess she wasn't done growing afterall. She had to buy all new bras over the past month. I sort of thought it would be sexy to see her in on of the old bras with her bussoms barley contained, trying to explode out of their restraints.... Oh-man, all the mental imagery. These hormones suck ass, when is it again women hit their sexual peak?

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