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Can you Screw Up Your Destiny?


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I don't really believe in destiny (although it's tempting sometimes) because it disconnects consequence/responsibility from actions. If there really was destiny, it really wouldn't matter how people act, things will end in same way anyway.


Jayar, I don't think you should blame yourself for breaking up with someone who was completely unreachable. I mean, the alternative to breaking up with him like you did was to wait for him forever and ever until he deemed you worthy to talk to you again. You did what you did because you respected yourself.

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Do you think it is possible to screw up your destiny?


You know, like suppose you meet someone who's so incredibly perfect for you that words don't describe it. Suppose everything from the way you met through the compatibilities you share, to the sheer level of physical attraction has you believing that a higher power must have a part in it.... And then suppose because of fear or pride, you both stand a chance of losing each other forever.


Did you screw up your own destiny? Or is the simple fact that you end up losing each other testament to the fact that you were never each others' destiny in the first place? And if you ARE in fact each others' destiny, do you believe that you will ultimately be together in spite of yourselves?


If someone is incredibly perfect for you, you deserve it (and so do they) to treat the relationship with repect and perseverance. Love is a precious thing. Pride CAN stand in the way of love. Of course if you don't treat the other person with respect, you can understand if they walk away. Im not sure about the being together in spite of themeselves. That sounds like a test or a game. Loving someone isn't about either of those things.

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Hhmmm...interesting question. Two things come to mind:


1. No, as everything happens for a reason, and

2. Yes, from a more moral or religious standpoint, you did your will versus that of a Higher Power.


I'm leaning towards number 1.


I've dug myself into holes plenty of times. I've been on the verge of expulsion, I've been academically discharged from school, and I hated math and science growing up. Today, at 26, I manage engineers who are Yale alumni. Each time I have messed up in life I have rebounded; I have grown from it; I've learned from it. It was usually a painful learning experience, but I always became a better person, a better man.


What is my destiny? I have no clue. Of all the mistakes that I've made in life, I have somehow managed to crawl back up on my feet, take the blows to my body as I stood there, and finally fought back to where I was able to stand and move on my own again.


Why do I do it? Something within drives me; it pushes me forward; it makes me crawl back up; and maybe, just maybe, I really needed to learn it the hard way to get it through my thick skull. I have a purpose here, I have something to offer to this world, albeit I have no clue what that is right now - all I know is to keep moving forward.


With respect to romance, man, I've butchered so many things in that area over the last decade, but you know what? I learned from it. I realized what I like and what I don't like. I've learned what I want. And who knows if one day, that might lead me to someone from my past. Sometimes two individuals are not compatible in life, but that's only at a certain point. Down the road, well, you never know. Sometimes life, or destiny, has a funny way.

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Do you think it is possible to screw up your destiny?


Yes. Without a doubt. Anything is possible, if you allow it to be.


I read your post through and I completely understand/respect your question.


The only way you can screw up your own destiny is if you allow it. Make sense?


because of pride on both sides, maybe both people are willing to let the other walk. Neither is willing to extend the olive branch.


If you think you can screw up your destiny, you will. If you think that is irrational style thinking, you will not. You define you, along with your future (aka destiny), at all times.


Your self perception and self love defines your destiny. The ways you perceive yourself, define youself, love yourself, love other people, treat other people, etc. These are the items which will ultimately impact your loving destiny.

If you do not truly love yourself, you cannot expect others to love you. Self love, which has no relation to ego, ignorance, etc, is the ticket.

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Do you think it is possible to screw up your destiny?


You know, like suppose you meet someone who's so incredibly perfect for you that words don't describe it. Suppose everything from the way you met through the compatibilities you share, to the sheer level of physical attraction has you believing that a higher power must have a part in it.... And then suppose because of fear or pride, you both stand a chance of losing each other forever.


Did you screw up your own destiny? Or is the simple fact that you end up losing each other testament to the fact that you were never each others' destiny in the first place? And if you ARE in fact each others' destiny, do you believe that you will ultimately be together in spite of yourselves?



Its not destiny that youre screwing up. Its stubborness or pride that prevents you from taking a chance at life. I lost my ex to someone else but that did not prevent me from telling her how I felt. I told her I would wait for her or fight for her if there was any chance we could get back together. Some people might say that was needy etc.. but not to me .I put it all on the line and took a chance. She told me there wasnt.


Now I know I tried my best and have no regrets. I wont be asking "what if" I also know now "destiny" will not be bringing us back together.


hope that makes sense

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