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afraid to do anything for her...


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Hi everyone,


My fiance and I have been together for over 2 years... 1 long distance, 1 living together. We are getting married next summer.


Have u ever felt like you can't do anything right for your fiance/partner/gf? Last night, she was sick and she usually cooks dinner, so I thought maybe I'd give it a shot... so I tried, but she woke up and started screaming at me because I wasn't cutting the meat right. She says I am selfish once again, and that I didn't even think of her, because I didn't even ask weather what I'd cook she will like. Its true, what I was going to cook was quick and easy, and I'd like it.


And over last summer, I planned a nice 2 year anniversary for us with a boat ride, and a circque du soleil, but she said I spent too much. She didn't mind the boat dinner cruize, but didn't like circque du soleil.


Its just frustrating that I try, but I just don't succeed making her happy. I'm to the point that I am always afraid if what I"ll do for her, she'll like it or appreciate it.


It is true, I have to listen closely to her, and yes I do try. But, sometimes I forget what she tells me. I guess I have to really listen to her.


Anyways, thanks for letting me vent. LIke now, she is asleep, and I don't know whether I should wake her up or not? Anyways, she told me she wanted to be woken up, so I guess I will. Hopefully, it will be OK.


Kung fu

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Well she is being pretty tough on you in my opinion. Have you spoken to her about your feelings on this issue? That would be my starting point. Sounds like at the moment you are walking on eggshells a bit and you can't do that for the rest of your life.

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my friend, you can't live your life walking on eggshells around her like this. I did it with my ex fiancee for four years. Eventually, she did end it with me.


What you need to realize is that she does not respect you. If she does not respect you, the relationship is in severe danger of failing. If you do not end it, she just might. To this day, I don't understand why some people act this way. Maybe it's because they are just selfish and just too self-centered. They take for granted all of the great things that the partner gives to them.


Me, if I found a girl who I liked and would treat me right, I would treat her like a princess and never leave her. However, my problem as of late is that I keep meeting girls who do not treat me right. I'm getting tired of it.


My advice to you would be to talk it out with her and give her another chance, but if the behavior continues, get out of this situation. Take a break, and then find a girl who will respect you.


You sound like a great guy. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

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She sounds a bit uptight. You really need to express to her that you can`t be walking on eggshells like this. I was with a guy with whom nothing I did was ever right. It was horrible - damned if I do, damned if I don`t.


You can`t have a marriage like that. You need to discuss things or have some counselling. If she doesn`t change, you`re in for a lot of pain.


I do most of the cooking with my current boyfriend. He isn`t much of a chef, but when he cooked for me when I was sick, I was GRATEFUL, not critical!

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