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What JUST happened?!?!?! My girlfriend just broke up with me, and I have NO idea why!!! It happened so suddenly I'm just in shock.. I'm not even angry or hurt, I'm just completely lost/confused...


Background: Been together for about 6 months, rocky past few days due to her mother's life threatning illness.... and we're in a LDR... this is our conversation:


Me: hey~

Her: we have to break up

Me: ??

Her: I'm sorry

Her: don't try to stop me

Me: can we talk on the phone atleast?

Her: no

Her: this is over

Me: why not?

Her: I'm sorry

Her: I love you

Me: i love you too, thats why I'm a bit confused over here...

Me: .....

Her: just stop ok

Her: I need to be alone

Her: & left alone

Me: why cant we just talk?

Her: I can't see you any longer

Me: I dont understand why you're cutting me out like this

Me: why?

Her: please don't make this any harder

Me: , i dont understand...

Her: yeah me too

Her: so just let me go

Me: why would i do that?

Her: because this is over

Me: is this really what you want?

Her: no

Me: then why are you letting it happen like this?

Her: I have to go ok?

Me: ....

Her: I lvoe you & goodbye

Her is away at 8:59:37 PM.

Me: i love you too... I just don't understand you...


and there you have it? This girl is 23 years old (im 21) and she broke up with me over AIM!!! what the hell?!


Ugh, I'm just frustrated as all heck over here... I just don't understand whats going on? She didn't answer when I called her again.......


thoughts? where to go from here?

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Hmmm..I'm really sorry...


It definitely seems like she's just confused and doesn't know what she wants. I mean, she said this isn't what she wants...that she still loves you. there's most definitely more to this...she's looking for an easy out... her mother's illness im sure plays a big part....she's probably just lost...

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Sounds familiar. Basically all you can do is nothing... If she comes to you, she does. If she doesn't, she doesn't. I wish there was better advice I could offer you.


This is more or less what happened to me though quite a bit more harsh... My girl answered the phone when I called her... Response... "I did it over email because I knew you'd want to talk about it."


That could be the case. She may have thought about the situation and decided that she couldn't be tied down at this time. There's literally nothing you can do, my friend... Except for nothing. Jayar, for example, has good insight on this mentality.


It's not fair but, sometimes, that's life.

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That certainly sucks.


Have you tried calling her for a simple hint about what brought this on?

Her responses to your questions are so cryptic!


She could at least level with you so you aren't put into mental chaos.


I agree, call her (maybe not today, but soon) and ask what is going on, from one adult to another. You deserve an explanation. I wonder if her mother's illness has gotten worse or something.


I am sorry you are going through this. (((HUGS)))

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Whoa!!! I can totally relate to being dumped via internet, LOL!


I know this is devastating right now. Her mom has an illness, do you think your girlfriend is just a little screwy right now?


Do you think your girlfriend might be ill?


I don't know, I was devastated when my fiance broke up with me via e-mail. You have a right to be angry, let it all out.


If she is just having a moment of insanity, I hope she gets over it soon. Because let me tell you, after a while, you will lose allllll respect for her.


If you aren't a freakin abusive, crazy, stalker, there is no reason for her to break up with you in that fashion.


That reallllllly sucks! Sucks, sucks, sucks!


Give it about a week or two. If you hear nothing from her, forget about her. It will be hard, it may take a few months to get her out of your system.


But only if she doesn't contact you.


Best of luck to you. You have a right to be shocked. Just go with what you are feeling. Allow yourself to heal.


Best of luck to you!



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I think this is your answer. That news is a big shock and I am guessing she is now preparing to put all her energy now into supporting and helping her mother fight the cancer.


I don't know what to tell you. Sometimes events are bigger than us and they overtake us. She really needs to do this her way now.

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Well.. she called me back... and ya, we're broken up... and its because of the distance, and the fact that she'll be with her mother between the next 6-12 months, and that since we won't be able to see each other.. whats the point of being together?


I guess it makes sense, but I don't know... I just have no problem sticking it out, no matter how long it takes... I know I would be able to see her periodically... but yea, the distance really just drained it all.....


I guess N/C and thats all she wrote.... really sucks being single again.....


thanks guys~


edit: one really annoying thing is that she kept saying things like "I love you" and stuff like that..... ugh.. such a mind #$#

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I think melrich has a great point - stage IV is pretty serious, and her mom may not survive, and I think she knows it. Maybe she wants to spend every available second with her mother? I am sorry this has happened. Maybe when she has had more time to think about things, she may decide she needs you even more for now. But... I don't know. She must be having a hard time right now, as I know you are.



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ya, thats the problem.. normally I would fight to make things right... and figure out what we need to do to make this work... but there is nothing I can do.. I'm completely helpless.. I'm not going to get into this huge fight with her... knowing that there are so much more important things going on in her life...

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I hope you're okay. Maybe its the situation and she's confused. She probably was trying to show you that it wasn't anything you did, who knows. But its over now...don't hang on when she has ended it.


Its gonna hurt a bit for a while but you'll be okay.

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I hope you're okay. Maybe its the situation and she's confused. She probably was trying to show you that it wasn't anything you did, who knows. But its over now...don't hang on when she has ended it.


Its gonna hurt a bit for a while but you'll be okay.


Gratsy, I wouldn't say give up hope. Just give her time and space to deal with her mom's illness and then see what happens down the road.

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Dude, I know exactly where you're coming from, believe me... And I did fight for it. Doesn't work! Learn from my mistakes and deal with this at home, inside, and with friends/family. I'm not the sort of guy to really open up to people... She was my best friend and the one I was used to doing that with... So, I thought, vent to her... In retrospect, not very smart!


Be cool my friend. Sometimes part of being a man is doing the hard thing, even if it's unfair. She's going through a tough time so being the bigger guy about this is an obvious choice...

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Yea, feel sorry for me more, because she CHEATED ON ME ACTUALLY!!!


WHAT THST SDHSKD OFHJSK DFSDAFKJsafsdalfkjsdl;kjfsdal;kjslkjfsdalkjfsdaljfsdalkjfsdal;kjfd


OMg.. I'm so furiosu right now its not even funny... I'm like seeing red.. WHAT THE HEL! I would of done anything fot his girl, I was totally in love with her, and now eveytinhg.. NOthing.. what is... omg... I'm just angry sa ahekaslkdjlskjadlkjalskjdsjalksd




Why?!?! what cant i give someoine wahyjask jo


jesus.. im in tears over here now.. wow... this is ridiculous.. I'm just upset.. we were in love.. and now this? everything.... wow... I just cant believe this....

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Yea, feel sorry for me more, because she CHEATED ON ME ACTUALLY!!!


WHAT THST SDHSKD OFHJSK DFSDAFKJsafsdalfkjsdl;kjfsdal;kjslkjfsdalkjfsdaljfsdalkjfsdal;kjfd


OMg.. I'm so furiosu right now its not even funny... I'm like seeing red.. WHAT THE HEL! I would of done anything fot his girl, I was totally in love with her, and now eveytinhg.. NOthing.. what is... omg... I'm just angry sa ahekaslkdjlskjadlkjalskjdsjalksd




Why?!?! what cant i give someoine wahyjask jo


jesus.. im in tears over here now.. wow... this is ridiculous.. I'm just upset.. we were in love.. and now this? everything.... wow... I just cant believe this....


you just found this out, now????????

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I say again... I know exactly where you're coming from... It's hard but you MUST be cool, my friend!


Another thing a girl told me once: "You and I would be perfect together. We'd make beautiful children."


Me: "So why not make this thing happen?"


Her: "Because I'm that kind of girl!"


Me: ???


I know it hurts, man. I've been there! But you can and will be cool! For the love of goodness, don't call her! Call a buddy, get a bottle of something between you and rant as men have ranted since the dawn of time!

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ya, thats the problem.. normally I would fight to make things right... and figure out what we need to do to make this work... but there is nothing I can do.. I'm completely helpless.. I'm not going to get into this huge fight with her... knowing that there are so much more important things going on in her life...

I'm sorry but I have to disagree... I mean she might lose her mother!! When you have to face such things, you think that nothing else matters even though it actually matters. I don't if it makes sense but we are not talking about losing a pet or something. I think you have to ask yourself if you really love her and if you do then be patient and give her your support, be there for her.


I mean I've been married for 1 year 1/2 and my husband and I have been together for almost 2 years 1/2... There is no way I would have let him down in a situation like this even if he had told me to do so. I would have been there and eventually, if you are really in love, you guys will get back together. The real question is 'does it matter?'


Just my opinion...

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