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How do u know if a girl is interested?


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flirt, flirt, flirt. Did I say flirt?? Haha....a woman will smile, she will try constantly to make eye contact when around you. She will (if she is like I was when I was dating) make little jokes, or give subtle hints. I KNOW I KNOW, men don't take hints, I have learned that in the 10 years I've been married. LOL. But your best bet is to learn to recognize those hints.

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She will try to be around you as much as possible. Her goal will be to get your attention focused on her and to notice her. She'll try to stand near you. She'll try to get your attention in subtle ways because she wants you to notice her. She'll try to lock your eyes on her by looking at your face, eyes. She'll find a way to be near you. Maybe she'll even touch you a little on your arm. She'll smile a lot when your talking. If you're talking, she'll try hard to keep the conversation going and going and going so she can keep your attention, because she likes you and doesn't want you to leave. And she'll be able to see if you're interested. Hope that helps.

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She will try to be around you as much as possible. Her goal will be to get your attention focused on her and to notice her. She'll try to stand near you. She'll try to get your attention in subtle ways because she wants you to notice her. She'll try to lock your eyes on her by looking at your face, eyes. She'll find a way to be near you. Maybe she'll even touch you a little on your arm. She'll smile a lot when your talking. If you're talking, she'll try hard to keep the conversation going and going and going so she can keep your attention, because she likes you and doesn't want you to leave. And she'll be able to see if you're interested. Hope that helps.


OMG! If that is the case then u mean to tell me that my boss ( a guy) likes me then! OMG! He's only 17 I'm 22 will be 23 on the 25th of this month! EWWWWWWWW!

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When I like a guy, I will pay attention to what he says. I'll mess with him a little, pick on him. Sometimes, I'm overly shy and wno't talk to him untl he talks to me. But I've done all those things to people I didn't have an attraction towards. Sometimes you gotta go with your gut.

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They will flirt with u , try to be around u as much as possible. They will give there number to u . Etc.


This is bs. Girls do this with me all the time and they are never interested.


To answer the question, it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell. Unlike guys who are straight forward, most girls like to play these little mind games and like to be chased. I personally hate the way this game is played.

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Maybe she'll even touch you a little on your arm.


It depends on the girl. I'm shy and never really touch other people (only if they hug me to say hi or bye). I'm not a touchy feely person.


Best way to know if a girl is interested is to flirt and see if she flirts back. At best I hide my feelings for guys unless I know they like me first. But it depends on the female. If she's more outgoing she will probably flirt with you first or chat to you more and be super-friendly. They will look at you and watch you more. They may spend more time on their appearance trying to make sure they look really nice for you (but then some of us try and look all the time anyway so you probably can't tell that we've spent extra long getting ready specially).

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They will flirt with u , try to be around u as much as possible. They will give there number to u . Etc.


This is bs. Girls do this with me all the time and they are never interested.


To answer the question, it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell. Unlike guys who are straight forward, most girls like to play these little mind games and like to be chased. I personally hate the way this game is played.


Tony, you are both right and wrong. You are right in that just because a girl flirts with you, tries to be around you, gives you their phone number, etc doesn't mean that she is interested. However you are wrong that it's impossible to tell if she likes you. It's very possible. If a girl marries you then it's a safe bet to tell that she likes you. If she's making out with you it's a safe bet to tell that she likes you. If she's having sex with you it's a safe bet to tell that she likes you. If you ask her out and she says "yes" and then shows up for the date looking very pretty then it's a safe bet to tell that she likes you.


The point is that so many shy guys don't make the effort to ask out a girl, to kiss the girl, to have sex with a girl, etc. Instead they sit there and try to get permission to make a move by reading signs such as flirting, talking, looking at each other, etc. If those are the signs you're looking for before making a move then you will always be confused. Those things can mean anything.

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She smiles at you a lot and she fidgets her hair a lot. The hair fidgeting is a dead giveaway.


i'd say that is 85% true. sometimes the girl is just nervous and uses it as a crutch. not nervous about talking to you cause you are attractive either.

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I would like to share a little story. it's to do with the early stages of attraction. Because there's a guy who I think is cute and would like to know, but I think it must seem like I am not interested. Here's the story.


There's an (attractive) guy at my work, who I barely knew. I'd say hello, and speak a little in what little opportunity I had (though it was only ever brief). Anyway, later on he was looking at me in a really unsubtle way, like he was trying to establish an attraction just through eye contact. And saying hello from accross the way, rather than just if we happened to be in the same room. I don't know. it was just too obvious. And I was uncomfortable with either of us being to direct about any flirting since it was at work. So I kind of slanted my head in a way as if to say, "I don't get why you would act that way.?" and since then I've put an end to the friendlies, and now we're like strangers and don't acknowledge each other. I just wish he'd tried to talk to me normally before putting out any flirtation, because he's ruined it. I can't talk to him now without feeling like it will be received as pursuing the possibility of an attraction. I am attracted, but I want to know him first, without any flirting. And now it's too hard. I think he's my type. He's cute, and the thing is, I am also a sexually forward person, just not when it's with a person at work. What a waste.

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yeah, I know, it's absurd.


But his approach is just not in my comfort zone. I want to know him. But I think showing interest before you develop a rapor, and get to the point of talking as friends, just ruins it.


I'm not one to flirt straight up. Not at work anyway.


So there's a staff party coming up, and I'll be leaving soon, so maybe I'll get a chance to talk to him properly. But until then, I'm not going to partake in the smiley obvious stuff. It's just not helpful that stuff.


I think what might be the case, is that we're both kind of dominant types. If I show interest, before I get to work my charms in my comfort zone, then that's opening up the situation for him to be the assertive one. and I don't want that dynamic. I want it to be in a situation where I feel free to be just as assertive. And I am not in that situation at work right now. If that makes any sense. Once there's a situation where we both have time to talk longer, then I'll be able to put it out there at my own pace. Of course, if he came right out and tried to know me, asked me about myself, or even asked if I wanted to go out for coffee or drinks or something, I'd go. But as it is, he's just tried to get me to show interest. But I won't, because if it doesnt' lead to action, then it will only lead to awkwardness.

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You like a guy, he looks at you from accross the way, says hi and you blow him off and give him the cold shoulder? Wow. What he did isn't even flirting.


Everyone is different so to each their own. I've never seen that before... but I guess there is a first time for everything. Personally, if I said hi to a cute girl from a distance and she blew me off like that, I'd probably chuckle to myself in confusion and then conclude that the girl isn't my type and wouldn't give her another thought from that point forward.

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The attraction has been established first, although he hasnt really done a lot of flirting from what you've said. so the next step is comfort. Coffee, drinks, whatever... If you like him and want to see where it goes, approach him, ask him questions, suggest going out for a coffee. If its no big deal, wait for him to ask you out.

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You're like me. Learn from this and don't blow guys off. Get over shyness and be friendly before you're defensive.


she hardly blew him off. If i got that sort of look (and ive had worse looks before), i wouldn't take it personally and I'd go over and say hi. If there was no initial spark when talking to her, or if she didnt seem interested, I'd leave it at that. She missed out.


He could handle it better in my opinion, although like i said, if you like him... smile back and say hello.

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no, it was the way he was looking at me, I don't know how to describe it, but it was more than just normal friendliness. There's sexual tension which has been created. He created it. I was friendly with him in the beginning. I was the one talking to him. But I got more attention than I am used to. I did nod back to him I think. I wasn't rude. But then I did the head tilt, after I'd passed, so he would have seen that I was confused by his behaviour, and that an invisible line had been crossed into inapproapriate friendliness. maybe I did act inappropriately. I was just uncomfortable with his friendliness. I don't know how to explain it. I just go on instinct. I felt he was being direct, trying to get more friendliness from me, without saying anything more than hi. Other people at my work may smile, say hi, but he was more full on. (ah, damn written word, it's so hard to convey the subtleties.) what do you think I should have done?


If he hadn't given me that vibe (sorry for being so inarticulate), I would have talked to him more by now. I would have had a chance to initiate some conversation with him by now. But the vibe has stopped me. Maybe it's just me being shy, but I feel like if I try to make chit chat with him at work now, that I'll be contributing to the vibe.



I think my problem is that I can give, but I can't take.


(by the way, he is fluent in english, but it's not his first language. I think conversation may be more of a challenge for him, so that might be why he's being more limited with just looks and hellos)...

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Either he is very good at conveying exactly what he is thinking with his expressions or you are very good at reading what's on a persons mind from their expression. Either way, I wish I had the level of skill that either of you possess in that area. I can't think of a single time I read all of that information from a look.

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